Analysis of students' critical thinking skills in physics problems

T Ariani - Kasuari: Physics Education Journal (KPEJ), 2020 -
This study aims to determine the proportion of students' level of critical thinking skills on the
subject of Impulse and Momentum, any difficulties experienced by students to reach the …

[PDF][PDF] Pengaruh model problem based learning terhadap higher order thinking skills peserta didik

F Royantoro, M Mujasam, I Yusuf… - Berkala Ilmiah …, 2018 -
Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) sangat diperlukan oleh peserta didik guna
meningkatkan kemampuannya dalam mengatasi masalah pembelajaran. Hasil observasi …

Project-based learning in fostering creative thinking and mathematical problem-solving skills: Evidence from primary education in Indonesia

S Ndiung, S Menggo - International Journal of Learning, Teaching and …, 2024 -
The interdependence between the Project-Based Learning (PjBL) Model and the growth
and enhancement of Creative Thinking and Mathematical Problem Solving Skills in …

The Effect of PBL Model Based Local Wisdom Towards Student’ s Learning Achievements on Critical Thinking Skills

K Syahidi, T Hizbi, A Hidayanti… - Kasuari: Physics …, 2020 -
This study aims to determine 1) Effect of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) based local
wisdom model towards students’ learning achievement 2) Effect of the critical thinking …

Implementation of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) Assisted by E-Learning through Lesson Study Activities to Improve the Quality of Learning in Physics Learning …

SW Widyaningsih, I Yusuf - International Journal of Higher Education, 2020 - ERIC
This study aims to improve the quality of learning in physics learning planning courses
through the implementation of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) assisted by E-Learning …

Effectiveness of Physics teaching material based on contextual static fluid material

T Ariani, Y Yolanda - Kasuari: Physics Education Journal (KPEJ …, 2019 -
This study aims to determine the learning outcomes of class XI students in Lubuklinggau 6
Model State Senior High School 2018/2019 Academic Year after using contextual-based …

Item quality analysis using the Rasch model to measure critical thinking ability in the material of the human digestive system of Biology subject in high school

WA Prasetya, AT Pratama - Jurnal Penelitian Dan Evaluasi …, 2023 -
This study aims to determine the quality of the Biology instrument items on the digestive
system material with the Rasch model for analyzing critical thinking skills. The research …

[PDF][PDF] Penerapan project based learning berbasis alat peraga sederhana untuk meningkatkan HOTS peserta didik

FC Sambite, M Mujasam… - Berkala Ilmiah …, 2019 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) peserta didik
melalui penerapan Project Based Learning (PjBL) berbasis alat peraga. Penelitian ini …

Analysis of students' critical thinking skills in dynamic electrical material

M Misbah, S Mahtari, M Wati… - … Physics Education Journal …, 2018 -
Student learning achievement does not only depend on students' ability to solve problems.
Learning achievement also depends on the suitability of the good questions, so the …


I Bakti, M Kusasi, S Samsinar - Quantum: Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan …, 2023 -
Kemampuan berpikir kritis sangat dibutuhkan oleh siswa untuk membantu mengelola
pikiran untuk menemukan makna pembelajaran yang tepat. Model project based learning …