The future of fish passage science, engineering, and practice
Much effort has been devoted to develo**, constructing and refining fish passage facilities
to enable target species to pass barriers on fluvial systems, and yet, fishway science …
to enable target species to pass barriers on fluvial systems, and yet, fishway science …
Procedures for evaluating and prioritising the removal of fish passage barriers: a synthesis
Techniques for assessing the impact of structural barriers on fish passage and for prioritising
restoration actions are reviewed. Current survey methodologies are biased towards specific …
restoration actions are reviewed. Current survey methodologies are biased towards specific …
Key factors explaining critical swimming speed in freshwater fish: a review and statistical analysis for Iberian species
Swimming performance is a key feature that mediates fitness and survival in aquatic
animals. Dispersal, habitat selection, predator–prey interactions and reproduction are …
animals. Dispersal, habitat selection, predator–prey interactions and reproduction are …
The effect of thermal acclimation on aerobic scope and critical swimming speed in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar
The Atlantic salmon is extensively studied owing to conservation concerns and its economic
importance in aquaculture. However, a thorough report of their aerobic capacity throughout …
importance in aquaculture. However, a thorough report of their aerobic capacity throughout …
[PDF][PDF] Fishway evaluations for better bioengineering: an integrative approach
Effective fishway design requires extensive integration of biological and hydraulic data.
Many relevant biological parameters remain poorly characterized, however, and the lack of …
Many relevant biological parameters remain poorly characterized, however, and the lack of …
[CARTE][B] Fish swimming performance database and analyses
C Katopodis, R Gervais - 2016 -
Fish speed and stamina, locomotion and the mechanics of fish swimming, are important to
the development and design of passage, exclusion, and guidance systems for fish. Such …
the development and design of passage, exclusion, and guidance systems for fish. Such …
Establishing zebrafish as a novel exercise model: swimming economy, swimming-enhanced growth and muscle growth marker gene expression
Background Zebrafish has been largely accepted as a vertebrate multidisciplinary model but
its usefulness as a model for exercise physiology has been hampered by the scarce …
its usefulness as a model for exercise physiology has been hampered by the scarce …
Lamprey spawning migration
During recent decades, new insights regarding the spawning migration of lampreys have
been gained due to advances in technology and growing interest in this key life history …
been gained due to advances in technology and growing interest in this key life history …
Critical swimming speed in groups of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar
Critical swimming speed (U crit) has traditionally been measured in relatively small
swimming tunnels with 1 fish alone. However, both increased flume lengths and swimming …
swimming tunnels with 1 fish alone. However, both increased flume lengths and swimming …
A three‐phase excess post‐exercise oxygen consumption in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and its response to exercise training
The recovery of oxygen uptake to the standard metabolic rate (SMR) following exhaustive
chasing exercise in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar parr occurred in three phases (rapid …
chasing exercise in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar parr occurred in three phases (rapid …