Using thematic analysis in healthcare HCI at CHI: A sco** review
CHI papers researching healthcare human-computer interaction (HCI) are increasingly
reporting the use of “thematic analysis”(TA). TA refers to a range of flexible and evolving …
reporting the use of “thematic analysis”(TA). TA refers to a range of flexible and evolving …
Feminist posthumanist design of menstrual care for more-than-human bodies
Social stigma and human exceptionalism have contributed to unsustainable menstrual
products and a neglect for the nutrients in menstrual blood that can enrich soil. In a …
products and a neglect for the nutrients in menstrual blood that can enrich soil. In a …
Fabulation as an approach for design futuring
Envisioning alternative futures and desirable worlds is a core element of design that must be
cultivated, especially when a deep transition of practices, values, and power is necessary for …
cultivated, especially when a deep transition of practices, values, and power is necessary for …
[HTML][HTML] Decolonial design practices: Creating safe spaces for plural voices on contested pasts, presents, and futures
Highlights•A decolonial design approach responding to challenges of decolonial design
practices.•The concept of safe space provides a new way of working in a contested …
practices.•The concept of safe space provides a new way of working in a contested …
Rethinking menstrual trackers towards period-positive ecologies
Menstrual tracking is a mechanism widely engaged towards preserving menstrual dignity, as
natural birth control, for ensuring adequate preparation for an upcoming cycle, among other …
natural birth control, for ensuring adequate preparation for an upcoming cycle, among other …
Walking Through Normativities of Reproductive Bodies: A Method for Critical Analysis of Tracking Applications
L Reime, V Tsaknaki, ML Cohn - … of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
Menstruation and fertility tracking applications are of increasing concern in HCI research, as
their use becomes more widespread. Methods are needed to understand how such …
their use becomes more widespread. Methods are needed to understand how such …
On activism and academia: Reflecting together and sharing experiences among critical friends
In recent years HCI and CSCW work has increasingly begun to address complex social
problems and issues of social justice worldwide. Such activist-leaning work is not without …
problems and issues of social justice worldwide. Such activist-leaning work is not without …
Living with uncertainty and stigma: self-experimentation and support-seeking around polycystic ovary syndrome
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that causes hormonal imbalance and
infertility in women and people with female reproductive organs. PCOS causes different …
infertility in women and people with female reproductive organs. PCOS causes different …
Resisting the medicalisation of menopause: Reclaiming the body through design
The menopause transition involves bodily-rooted, socially-shaped changes, often in a
context of medicalisation that marginalises people based on their age and gender. With the …
context of medicalisation that marginalises people based on their age and gender. With the …
" Islamically, I am not on my period": A Study of Menstrual Tracking in Muslim Women in the US
The widespread adoption of menstrual tracking applications has garnered much attention
with recent research focusing on inclusive design. However, existing literature has yet to …
with recent research focusing on inclusive design. However, existing literature has yet to …