Variational quantum algorithms
Applications such as simulating complicated quantum systems or solving large-scale linear
algebra problems are very challenging for classical computers, owing to the extremely high …
algebra problems are very challenging for classical computers, owing to the extremely high …
NISQ computing: where are we and where do we go?
In this short review article, we aim to provide physicists not working within the quantum
computing community a hopefully easy-to-read introduction to the state of the art in the field …
computing community a hopefully easy-to-read introduction to the state of the art in the field …
Generalization in quantum machine learning from few training data
Modern quantum machine learning (QML) methods involve variationally optimizing a
parameterized quantum circuit on a training data set, and subsequently making predictions …
parameterized quantum circuit on a training data set, and subsequently making predictions …
Connecting ansatz expressibility to gradient magnitudes and barren plateaus
Parametrized quantum circuits serve as ansatze for solving variational problems and
provide a flexible paradigm for the programming of near-term quantum computers. Ideally …
provide a flexible paradigm for the programming of near-term quantum computers. Ideally …
Absence of barren plateaus in quantum convolutional neural networks
Quantum neural networks (QNNs) have generated excitement around the possibility of
efficiently analyzing quantum data. But this excitement has been tempered by the existence …
efficiently analyzing quantum data. But this excitement has been tempered by the existence …
Theory of overparametrization in quantum neural networks
The prospect of achieving quantum advantage with quantum neural networks (QNNs) is
exciting. Understanding how QNN properties (for example, the number of parameters M) …
exciting. Understanding how QNN properties (for example, the number of parameters M) …
Diagnosing barren plateaus with tools from quantum optimal control
Abstract Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQAs) have received considerable attention due
to their potential for achieving near-term quantum advantage. However, more work is …
to their potential for achieving near-term quantum advantage. However, more work is …
Quantum algorithms for quantum dynamics
Among the many computational challenges faced across different disciplines, quantum-
mechanical systems pose some of the hardest ones and offer a natural playground for the …
mechanical systems pose some of the hardest ones and offer a natural playground for the …
Barren plateaus preclude learning scramblers
Scrambling processes, which rapidly spread entanglement through many-body quantum
systems, are difficult to investigate using standard techniques, but are relevant to quantum …
systems, are difficult to investigate using standard techniques, but are relevant to quantum …
General parameter-shift rules for quantum gradients
Variational quantum algorithms are ubiquitous in applications of noisy intermediate-scale
quantum computers. Due to the structure of conventional parametrized quantum gates, the …
quantum computers. Due to the structure of conventional parametrized quantum gates, the …