Chromium Volatilization Rates from Cr2O3 Scales into Flowing Gases Containing Water Vapor
The mass-transfer coefficient for CrO 2 (OH) 2 volatilization into flowing air-10% H 2 O or
steam was evaluated using classical gas transport theory in the viscous-flow regime. The …
steam was evaluated using classical gas transport theory in the viscous-flow regime. The …
Invited Review Paper in Commemoration of Over 50 Years of Oxidation of Metals: Addressing the Role of Water Vapor on Long-Term Stainless Steel Oxidation …
BA Pint - Oxidation of Metals, 2021 - Springer
In the past 20 years, it has become clear that the long-term exposure of chromia-forming
austenitic stainless steels to air containing~ 10 vol% water vapor at 650–800° C significantly …
austenitic stainless steels to air containing~ 10 vol% water vapor at 650–800° C significantly …
Oxidation resistance: One barrier to moving beyond Ni-base superalloys
BA Pint, JR Distefano, IG Wright - Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2006 - Elsevier
The implementation of new high-temperature materials is often hampered by their lack of
oxidation or environmental resistance. This failing is one of the strongest barriers to moving …
oxidation or environmental resistance. This failing is one of the strongest barriers to moving …
[KNIHA][B] Developments in high temperature corrosion and protection of materials
W Gao - 2008 - books.google.com
High temperature corrosion is a phenomenon that occurs in components that operate at very
high temperatures, such as gas turbines, jet engines and industrial plants. Engineers are …
high temperatures, such as gas turbines, jet engines and industrial plants. Engineers are …
Temperature dependence of oxide scale formation on high-Cr ferritic steels in Ar–H2–H2O
Four high chromium ferritic steels were oxidized in Ar/H2/H2O at temperatures between 500
and 900° C. Polished specimens of all steels formed iron-rich oxides at temperatures below …
and 900° C. Polished specimens of all steels formed iron-rich oxides at temperatures below …
Effects of water vapour on isothermal oxidation of chromia-forming alloys in Ar/O2 and Ar/H2 atmospheres
Fe9Cr, Fe17Cr and Fe25Cr alloys were subjected to isothermal oxidation in Ar/O2 and
Ar/H2 atmosphere at 700° C as high temperature corrosion for 48h. Oxidation weight …
Ar/H2 atmosphere at 700° C as high temperature corrosion for 48h. Oxidation weight …
Corrosion of stainless steels in lead–bismuth eutectic up to 600° C
L Soler, FJ Martín, F Hernandez… - Journal of Nuclear …, 2004 - Elsevier
An experimental program has been carried out to understand the differences in the
corrosion behaviour between different stainless steels: the austenitic steels 304L and 316L …
corrosion behaviour between different stainless steels: the austenitic steels 304L and 316L …
Map** multivariate influence of alloying elements on creep behavior for design of new martensitic steels
Heritage data for the class of 9 to 12 wt pct Cr steels are studied using data science to
quantify the statistically significant relationships among multiple processing/microstructure …
quantify the statistically significant relationships among multiple processing/microstructure …
Formation of aluminide coatings on Fe-based alloys by chemical vapor deposition
Aluminide and Al-containing coatings were synthesized on commercial ferritic (P91) and
austenitic (304L) alloys via a laboratory chemical vapor deposition (CVD) procedure for …
austenitic (304L) alloys via a laboratory chemical vapor deposition (CVD) procedure for …
Effect of cycle frequency on high-temperature oxidation behavior of alumina-forming alloys
BA Pint, PF Tortorelli, IG Wright - Oxidation of Metals, 2002 - Springer
Cycle frequency affects both high-temperature oxidation behavior and the method in which
the cyclic test is conducted. Several issues are discussed using examples taken from results …
the cyclic test is conducted. Several issues are discussed using examples taken from results …