Nonisotropic Self‐Assembly of Nanoparticles: From Compact Packing to Functional Aggregates
Quantum strongly correlated systems that exhibit interesting features in condensed matter
physics often need an unachievable temperature or pressure range in classical materials …
physics often need an unachievable temperature or pressure range in classical materials …
Formation of extended covalently bonded Ni porphyrin networks on the Au (111) surface
The growth and ordering of {5, 10, 15, 20-tetrakis (4-bromophenyl) porphyrinato} nickel
(II)(NiTBrPP) molecules on the Au (111) surface have been investigated using scanning …
(II)(NiTBrPP) molecules on the Au (111) surface have been investigated using scanning …
Controlling the Electronic and Structural Coupling of C60 Nano Films on Fe(001) through Oxygen Adsorption at the Interface
C60 molecules coupled to metals form hybrid systems exploited in a broad range of
emerging fields, such as nanoelectronics, spintronics, and photovoltaic solar cells. The …
emerging fields, such as nanoelectronics, spintronics, and photovoltaic solar cells. The …
Scanning tunneling microscopy investigation of self-assembly behavior of C60 on an intrinsically patterned Ag5Se2 surface
Extensive research has been conducted on the use of surface nanotemplates, whether
artificially or naturally patterned, to regulate the self-assembly processes on surfaces. It has …
artificially or naturally patterned, to regulate the self-assembly processes on surfaces. It has …
[PDF][PDF] Weakly interacting molecular layer of spinning C60 molecules on TiO2 (110) surfaces
Since the discovery of fullerenes and the breakthrough of the synthesis of C60 in
macroscopic quantities, their fundamental properties and possible applications have been …
macroscopic quantities, their fundamental properties and possible applications have been …
Rotational transitions in a C monolayer on the WOW(110) surface
Variable-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) is shown to be an effective
technique to study two-dimensional phase transitions. Observations show that a monolayer …
technique to study two-dimensional phase transitions. Observations show that a monolayer …
One-dimensional self-assembly of C60 molecules on periodically wrinkled graphene sheet: A Monte Carlo approach
Periodically wrinkled graphene sheet is of interest as a building block to develop
nanoelectronic devices. This work presents that periodically wrinkled graphene sheet can …
nanoelectronic devices. This work presents that periodically wrinkled graphene sheet can …
A Combined Monte Carlo and Hückel Theory Simulation of Orientational Ordering in C60 Assemblies
Orientational ordering of C60 molecules within monolayer and multilayer islands is a
regularly observed phenomenon in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) studies. Here we …
regularly observed phenomenon in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) studies. Here we …
Rotation dynamics of C60 molecules in a monolayer fullerene film on the WO2/W(110) surface near the rotational phase transition
The rotation dynamics of C 60 molecules in monolayer fullerene films grown on the WO 2/W
(110) surface is studied by scanning tunneling microscopy. The formation of molecule …
(110) surface is studied by scanning tunneling microscopy. The formation of molecule …
Correlation between charge-transfer and rotation of C 60 on WO 2/W (110)
Understanding molecular switching between different charge states is crucial to further
progress in molecule-based nano-electronic devices. Herein we have employed scanning …
progress in molecule-based nano-electronic devices. Herein we have employed scanning …