How do interruptions affect productivity?
Work is frequently interrupted. What is known about how interruptions affect productivity?
This important question has been studied using a variety of research methods, from …
This important question has been studied using a variety of research methods, from …
A hidden markov framework to capture human–machine interaction in automated vehicles
ABSTRACT A Hidden Markov Model framework is introduced to formalize the beliefs that
humans may have about the mode in which a semi-automated vehicle is operating. Previous …
humans may have about the mode in which a semi-automated vehicle is operating. Previous …
Hierarchical reinforcement learning explains task interleaving behavior
How do people decide how long to continue in a task, when to switch, and to which other
task? It is known that task interleaving adapts situationally, showing sensitivity to changes in …
task? It is known that task interleaving adapts situationally, showing sensitivity to changes in …
[HTML][HTML] Visual in-car warnings: How fast do drivers respond?
We investigate how quickly drivers can change lanes in response to a visual in-car warning.
Our work is motivated by technological developments, in which beacons along the road can …
Our work is motivated by technological developments, in which beacons along the road can …
[HTML][HTML] Agents, environments, scenarios: A framework for examining models and simulations of human-vehicle interaction
This paper provides a framework for examining human-vehicle interactions with respect to
three dimensions that can involve models or simulations: the agents, the environments, and …
three dimensions that can involve models or simulations: the agents, the environments, and …
Computational models of cognition for human-automated vehicle interaction: State-of-the-art and future directions
We discuss the state-of-the-art and future directions of the development, evaluation, and
application of computational cognitive models for human-automated vehicle interaction. The …
application of computational cognitive models for human-automated vehicle interaction. The …
Supporting Task Switching with Reinforcement Learning
Attention management systems aim to mitigate the negative effects of multitasking. However,
sophisticated real-time attention management is yet to be developed. We present a novel …
sophisticated real-time attention management is yet to be developed. We present a novel …
Computational models of human-automated vehicle interaction (dagstuhl seminar 22102)
This report documents the program and the outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 22102"
Computational Models of Human-Automated Vehicle Interaction". At this Dagstuhl Seminar …
Computational Models of Human-Automated Vehicle Interaction". At this Dagstuhl Seminar …
Identifiability and specificity of the two-point visual control model of steering
Estimating parameters of cognitive models is crucial to be able to accurately describe
cognitive processing of individuals, under varying circumstances. To ensure that individual …
cognitive processing of individuals, under varying circumstances. To ensure that individual …
The influence of rewards on (sub-) optimal interleaving
We investigate how the rewards of individual tasks dictate a priori how easy it is to interleave
two discrete tasks efficiently, and whether people then interleave efficiently. Previous …
two discrete tasks efficiently, and whether people then interleave efficiently. Previous …