News recommender system: a review of recent progress, challenges, and opportunities

S Raza, C Ding - Artificial Intelligence Review, 2022‏ - Springer
Nowadays, more and more news readers read news online where they have access to
millions of news articles from multiple sources. In order to help users find the right and …

Deep learning in news recommender systems: A comprehensive survey, challenges and future trends

MM Talha, HU Khan, S Iqbal, M Alghobiri, T Iqbal… - Neurocomputing, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Nowadays, people prefer to read news articles from online sources worldwide due to their
easiness and availability. For the last few years, online searching for required information or …

DRN: A deep reinforcement learning framework for news recommendation

G Zheng, F Zhang, Z Zheng, Y **ang, NJ Yuan… - Proceedings of the …, 2018‏ -
In this paper, we propose a novel Deep Reinforcement Learning framework for news
recommendation. Online personalized news recommendation is a highly challenging …

NPA: neural news recommendation with personalized attention

C Wu, F Wu, M An, J Huang, Y Huang… - Proceedings of the 25th …, 2019‏ -
News recommendation is very important to help users find interested news and alleviate
information overload. Different users usually have different interests and the same user may …

Neural news recommendation with attentive multi-view learning

C Wu, F Wu, M An, J Huang, Y Huang, X **e - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2019‏ -
Personalized news recommendation is very important for online news platforms to help
users find interested news and improve user experience. News and user representation …

News recommender systems–Survey and roads ahead

M Karimi, D Jannach, M Jugovac - Information Processing & Management, 2018‏ - Elsevier
More and more people read the news online, eg, by visiting the websites of their favorite
newspapers or by navigating the sites of news aggregators. However, the abundance of …

[PDF][PDF] UNBERT: User-News Matching BERT for News Recommendation.

Q Zhang, J Li, Q Jia, C Wang, J Zhu, Z Wang, X He - IJCAI, 2021‏ -
Nowadays, news recommendation has become a popular channel for users to access news
of their interests. How to represent rich textual contents of news and precisely match users' …

Graph neural news recommendation with long-term and short-term interest modeling

L Hu, C Li, C Shi, C Yang, C Shao - Information Processing & Management, 2020‏ - Elsevier
With the information explosion of news articles, personalized news recommendation has
become important for users to quickly find news that they are interested in. Existing methods …

Dan: Deep attention neural network for news recommendation

Q Zhu, X Zhou, Z Song, J Tan, L Guo - Proceedings of the AAAI …, 2019‏ -
With the rapid information explosion of news, making personalized news recommendation
for users becomes an increasingly challenging problem. Many existing recommendation …

The rise of guardians: Fact-checking url recommendation to combat fake news

N Vo, K Lee - The 41st international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2018‏ -
A large body of research work and efforts have been focused on detecting fake news and
building online fact-check systems in order to debunk fake news as soon as possible …