AI-generated vs human-authored texts: A multidimensional comparison
TB Sardinha - Applied Corpus Linguistics, 2024 - Elsevier
The goal of this study is to assess the degree of resemblance between texts generated by
artificial intelligence (GPT) and (written and spoken) texts produced by human individuals in …
artificial intelligence (GPT) and (written and spoken) texts produced by human individuals in …
Dimensions of text complexity in the spoken and written modes: A comparison of theory-based models
In many studies, grammatical complexity has been treated as a single unified construct.
However, other research contradicts that view, suggesting instead that the different structural …
However, other research contradicts that view, suggesting instead that the different structural …
Develo** linguistic constructs of text readability using natural language processing
SA Crossley - Scientific Studies of Reading, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Purpose Understanding what makes a text difficult to read is an important element of literacy
instruction, materials development, and research into text readability. Readability formulas …
instruction, materials development, and research into text readability. Readability formulas …
Variation in University Student Writing: A communicative text type approach
L Goulart - 2024 - torrossa.com
Starting university can pose many challenges to new students, from understanding how to
get around on campus to learning how to use academic language. Academic discourse can …
get around on campus to learning how to use academic language. Academic discourse can …
Register and discourse analysis
D Biber - The Routledge handbook of discourse analysis, 2013 - api.taylorfrancis.com
One major approach to discourse analysis focuses on the study of language use, describing
the ways in which lexical and grammatical features are used in texts (see Schiffrin et al …
the ways in which lexical and grammatical features are used in texts (see Schiffrin et al …
A text typology of social media
T Berber Sardinha - Register Studies, 2022 - jbe-platform.com
This paper introduces an initial text typology of social media posts from a multi-dimensional
(MD) perspective. Text types are “[g] rou**s of text that are similar in their linguistic form” …
(MD) perspective. Text types are “[g] rou**s of text that are similar in their linguistic form” …
Multidimensional analysis
Multidimensional analysis (MDA) uses a multivariate statistical approach to group a number
of linguistic features based on their co-occurrence. MDA allows genre researchers to identify …
of linguistic features based on their co-occurrence. MDA allows genre researchers to identify …
Register and the dual nature of functional correspondence: accounting for text-linguistic variation between registers, within registers, and without registers
During the past 20 years, corpus linguistic research on register variation has yielded
important theoretical advances. The first part of this paper discusses these advances and the …
important theoretical advances. The first part of this paper discusses these advances and the …
Textbook English: A corpus-based analysis of the language of EFL textbooks used in secondary schools in France, Germany and Spain
E Le Foll - 2022 - hal.science
In secondary English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instructional contexts, textbooks
constitute a major and highly influential vector of foreign language input. To date, numerous …
constitute a major and highly influential vector of foreign language input. To date, numerous …
Recent trends in corpus design and reporting: A methodological synthesis
Methodological design is a central issue for researchers in corpus linguistics. To understand
trends in the reporting of important aspects of corpus design and the type of corpora being …
trends in the reporting of important aspects of corpus design and the type of corpora being …