Bayesian versus frequentist estimation for structural equation models in small sample contexts: A systematic review
In small sample contexts, Bayesian estimation is often suggested as a viable alternative to
frequentist estimation, such as maximum likelihood estimation. Our systematic literature …
frequentist estimation, such as maximum likelihood estimation. Our systematic literature …
Relating latent class membership to external variables: An overview
In this article we provide an overview of existing approaches for relating latent class
membership to external variables of interest. We extend on the work of Nylund‐Gibson et …
membership to external variables of interest. We extend on the work of Nylund‐Gibson et …
Robustness of stepwise latent class modeling with continuous distal outcomes
Recently, several bias-adjusted stepwise approaches to latent class modeling with
continuous distal outcomes have been proposed in the literature and implemented in …
continuous distal outcomes have been proposed in the literature and implemented in …
A structural after measurement approach to structural equation modeling.
In structural equation modeling (SEM), the measurement and structural parts of the model
are usually estimated simultaneously. In this article, we revisit the long-standing idea that we …
are usually estimated simultaneously. In this article, we revisit the long-standing idea that we …
[PDF][PDF] Technical guide for Latent GOLD 5.0: Basic, advanced, and syntax
JK Vermunt, J Magidson - Belmont, MA: Statistical …, 2013 - statisticalinnovations.com
Latent GOLD 5.1 Basic implements the most important types of latent class (LC) and finite
mixture (FM) models in three submodules called Cluster, DFactor, and Regression. It also …
mixture (FM) models in three submodules called Cluster, DFactor, and Regression. It also …
[KNYGA][B] Small sample size solutions: A guide for applied researchers and practitioners
R Van de Schoot, M Miocević - 2020 - library.oapen.org
Researchers often have difficulties collecting enough data to test their hypotheses, either
because target groups are small or hard to access, or because data collection entails …
because target groups are small or hard to access, or because data collection entails …
Impact of misspecifications of the latent variance–covariance and residual matrices on the class enumeration accuracy of growth mixture models
This series of simulation studies was designed to assess the impact of misspecifications of
the latent variance–covariance matrix (ie,) and residual structure (ie,) on the accuracy of …
the latent variance–covariance matrix (ie,) and residual structure (ie,) on the accuracy of …
[PDF][PDF] Small sample solutions for structural equation modeling
Y Rosseel - Small sample size solutions, 2020 - library.oapen.org
Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a statistical modeling procedure that is used in the
social and behavioral sciences to study the relationships among latent variables (Bollen …
social and behavioral sciences to study the relationships among latent variables (Bollen …
Extensions of auxiliary variable approaches for the investigation of mediation, moderation, and conditional effects in mixture models
Person-centered analyses and mixture models, such as latent profile analyses (LPA), are
becoming increasingly common in the organizational literature. However, common usage of …
becoming increasingly common in the organizational literature. However, common usage of …
How to perform three-step latent class analysis in the presence of measurement non-invariance or differential item functioning
JK Vermunt, J Magidson - Structural Equation Modeling: A …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
The practice of latent class (LC) modeling using a bias-adjusted three-step approach has
become widely popular. However, the current three-step approach has one important …
become widely popular. However, the current three-step approach has one important …