The impact of mobile-assisted project-based learning on develo** EFL students' speaking skills
H Benlaghrissi, LM Ouahidi - Smart Learning Environments, 2024 - Springer
Combining mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) with project-based learning (PBL)
might be the potential framework for enhancing EFL learners' speaking skills. However, only …
might be the potential framework for enhancing EFL learners' speaking skills. However, only …
Mobile-assisted language learning through learning analytics for self-regulated learning (MALLAS): A conceptual framework
Many adult second and foreign language learners have insufficient opportunities to engage
in language learning. However, their successful acquisition of a target language is critical for …
in language learning. However, their successful acquisition of a target language is critical for …
[КНИГА][B] Digital literacies
Dramatic shifts in our communication landscape have made it crucial for language teaching
to go beyond print literacy and encompass the digital literacies which are increasingly …
to go beyond print literacy and encompass the digital literacies which are increasingly …
[PDF][PDF] Integrating WeChat-based mobile-assisted language learning into college English teaching
Accordingly, MALL has emerged as a potential tool in teaching English as a foreign
language (EFL)[5]. College English, an integral part of higher education, is a required …
language (EFL)[5]. College English, an integral part of higher education, is a required …
Designing a pedagogical framework for mobile-assisted language learning
With the high penetration of mobile devices and wide coverage of wireless networks, mobile-
assisted language learning (MALL) has been widely utilized to enhance language teaching …
assisted language learning (MALL) has been widely utilized to enhance language teaching …
Exploring opportunities for language immersion in the posthuman spectrum: lessons learned from digital agents
Purpose Technologically-enhanced language education has shifted from computer-assisted
language learning (CALL) to mobile-assisted language learning (MALL), including the use …
language learning (CALL) to mobile-assisted language learning (MALL), including the use …
[HTML][HTML] Enhancing foreign language learning outcomes and mitigating cultural attributes inherent in Asian culture in a mobile-assisted language learning …
To achieve sustainable language learning, we designed a foreign language learning activity
that extended traditional lectures in classrooms to informal learning in the real world using …
that extended traditional lectures in classrooms to informal learning in the real world using …
Shifting paradigms: A critical pragmatic evaluation of key factors affecting learner-empowered emergent technology integration
N Wark - 2018 -
This dissertation used a critical pragmatic research paradigm, transformative mixed methods
research methodology, and a paradigm shift framework to explore online graduate level …
research methodology, and a paradigm shift framework to explore online graduate level …
Learning on-the-go: Older adults' use of mobile devices to enhance self-directed, informal learning
D Morrison, M Koole - Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 2018 -
The study investigated how retired older adults (age 55+) use the Internet and social media
to facilitate informal, self-directed learning, specifically, exploring how they use mobile …
to facilitate informal, self-directed learning, specifically, exploring how they use mobile …
Design principles for an adult literacy mobile learning solution
A Palalas, N Wark - Proceedings of the 16th World conference on mobile …, 2017 -
This is the second report on a Design-Based-Research project that aims to develop an adult
literacy m-learning solution to help address persistently low adult literacy levels in Canada …
literacy m-learning solution to help address persistently low adult literacy levels in Canada …