A survey of recent trends in testing concurrent software systems

FA Bianchi, A Margara, M Pezzè - IEEE Transactions on …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Many modern software systems are composed of multiple execution flows that run
simultaneously, spanning from applications designed to exploit the power of modern multi …

Bounded reordering in the distributed test architecture

RM Hierons, MG Merayo… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In the distributed test architecture, the system under test (SUT) interacts with its environment
at multiple physically distributed ports and the local testers at these ports do not synchronize …

Implementation relations and probabilistic schedulers in the distributed test architecture

RM Hierons, M Núñez - Journal of Systems and Software, 2017 - Elsevier
We present a complete framework to formally test systems with distributed ports where some
choices are probabilistically quantified while other choices are non-deterministic. We define …

Generating complete controllable test suites for distributed testing

RM Hierons - IEEE transactions on software engineering, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A test suite is m-complete for finite state machine (FSM) M if it distinguishes between M and
all faulty FSMs with m states or fewer. While there are several algorithms that generate m …

Model‐based testing for concurrent systems with labelled event structures

HP De León, S Haar, D Longuet - Software Testing, Verification …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
We propose a theoretical testing framework and a test generation algorithm for concurrent
systems specified with true‐concurrency models, such as Petri nets or networks of automata …

Model-based testing for concurrent systems: unfolding-based test selection

H Ponce de León, S Haar, D Longuet - International Journal on Software …, 2016 - Springer
Abstract Model-based testing has mainly focused on models where concurrency is
interpreted as interleaving (like the ioco theory for labeled transition systems), which may be …

Controllability through nondeterminism in distributed testing

RM Hierons, MG Merayo, M Núñez - … Software and Systems: 28th IFIP WG …, 2016 - Springer
If the system under test interacts with its environment at physically distributed ports, there is a
separate independent tester at each port, and there is no global clock then we are testing in …

Distributed testing of concurrent systems: vector clocks to the rescue

H Ponce-de-León, S Haar, D Longuet - International Colloquium on …, 2014 - Springer
The ioco relation has become a standard in model-based conformance testing. The co-ioco
conformance relation is an extension of this relation to concurrent systems specified with …

A more precise implementation relation for distributed testing

RM Hierons - The Computer Journal, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
There has been significant interest in distributed testing from an input–output transition
system. Previous work introduced an implementation relation dioco that was defined in …

Distributed computation of vector clocks in Petri nets unfolding for test selection

L Jezequel, A Madalinski, S Schwoon - IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2018 - Elsevier
It has been shown that annotating Petri net unfoldings with time stamps allows for building
distributed testers for distributed systems. However, the construction of the annotated …