ENIGMA MDD: seven years of global neuroimaging studies of major depression through worldwide data sharing
A key objective in the field of translational psychiatry over the past few decades has been to
identify the brain correlates of major depressive disorder (MDD). Identifying measurable …
identify the brain correlates of major depressive disorder (MDD). Identifying measurable …
Trajectories of brain and behaviour development in the womb, at birth and through infancy
Birth is often seen as the starting point for studying effects of the environment on human
development, with much research focused on the capacities of young infants. However …
development, with much research focused on the capacities of young infants. However …
The trajectory of cortical GABA across the lifespan, an individual participant data meta-analysis of edited MRS studies
γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the principal inhibitory neurotransmitter in the human brain
and can be measured with magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). Conflicting accounts …
and can be measured with magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). Conflicting accounts …
No phenotypic or genotypic evidence for a link between sleep duration and brain atrophy
Short sleep is held to cause poorer brain health, but is short sleep associated with higher
rates of brain structural decline? Analysing 8,153 longitudinal MRIs from 3,893 healthy …
rates of brain structural decline? Analysing 8,153 longitudinal MRIs from 3,893 healthy …
Insula functional connectivity in schizophrenia
The insula is structurally abnormal in schizophrenia, demonstrating reductions in volume,
cortical thickness, and altered gyrification during prodromal, early and chronic stages of the …
cortical thickness, and altered gyrification during prodromal, early and chronic stages of the …
[PDF][PDF] Kognitiivisten toimintojen muutokset-mikä on ikääntymistä, mikä sairautta?
E Vuoksimaa - Duodecim, 2019 - researchportal.helsinki.fi
Kognitiivinen ikääntyminen kuuluu läpi elämän tapahtuviin muutoksiin muistissa ja muissa
tiedon käsittelyyn liittyvissä toiminnoissa. Monet kognition osaalueet alkavat heiketä jo …
tiedon käsittelyyn liittyvissä toiminnoissa. Monet kognition osaalueet alkavat heiketä jo …
Poor self-reported sleep is related to regional cortical thinning in aging but not memory decline—results from the Lifebrain Consortium
We examined whether sleep quality and quantity are associated with cortical and memory
changes in cognitively healthy participants across the adult lifespan. Associations between …
changes in cognitively healthy participants across the adult lifespan. Associations between …
Tracing the development and lifespan change of population-level structural asymmetry in the cerebral cortex
Cortical asymmetry is a ubiquitous feature of brain organization that is subtly altered in some
neurodevelopmental disorders, yet we lack knowledge of how its development proceeds …
neurodevelopmental disorders, yet we lack knowledge of how its development proceeds …
[HTML][HTML] Relationships between apparent cortical thickness and working memory across the lifespan-effects of genetics and socioeconomic status
Working memory (WM) supports several higher-level cognitive abilities, yet we know less
about factors associated with development and decline in WM compared to other cognitive …
about factors associated with development and decline in WM compared to other cognitive …
[HTML][HTML] Error processing in the adolescent brain: Age-related differences in electrophysiology, behavioral adaptation, and brain morphology
Detecting errors and adjusting behaviour appropriately are fundamental cognitive abilities
that are known to improve through adolescence. The cognitive and neural processes …
that are known to improve through adolescence. The cognitive and neural processes …