Co-operative path planning of multiple UAVs using Dubins paths with clothoid arcs

M Shanmugavel, A Tsourdos, B White… - Control engineering …, 2010 - Elsevier
This paper describes co-operative path planning of a group of unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAVs). The problem undertaken for this study is that of simultaneous arrival on target of a …

DE3D-NURBS: A differential evolution-based 3D path-planner integrating kinematic constraints and obstacle avoidance

EJR Freitas, MW Cohen, AA Neto… - Knowledge-Based …, 2024 - Elsevier
This work presents a novel path planner, DE3D-NURBS, for 3D path planning considering
the maximum and minimum climb/dive angle and the maximum curvature imposed by a …

Pythagorean-hodograph curves.

RT Farouki - Handbook of computer aided geometric design, 2002 - Springer
Pythagorean–hodograph curves are characterized by the special property that their
“parametric speed”—ie, the derivative of the arc length with respect to the curve parameter …

Optimization of multi-target continuous dynamic trajectory for unmanned aerial vehicles

Z Yu, N Qi, Z Li, T Lin, Y Yao, J Wang, M Huo - Aerospace Science and …, 2024 - Elsevier
In the problem of trajectory optimization for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) passing
through multiple target points, continuous velocity and acceleration in the process of …

Cooperative trajectory generation using Pythagorean hodograph Bézier curves

R Choe, J Puig-Navarro, V Cichella, E Xargay… - Journal of Guidance …, 2016 -
This paper presents a cooperative trajectory-generation framework to efficiently compute a
set of spatial trajectories for a team of cooperating vehicles: in particular, for unmanned …

Feasible RRT-based path planning using seventh order Bézier curves

AA Neto, DG Macharet… - 2010 IEEE/RSJ …, 2010 -
This paper presents a methodology based on a variation of the Rapidly-exploring Random
Trees (RRTs) that generates feasible trajectories for autonomous vehicles with holonomic …

Unmanned aircraft vector field path following with arrival angle control

W Jung, S Lim, D Lee, H Bang - Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2016 - Springer
This paper focuses on unmanned aircraft guidance laws for a straight path and a circular
orbit following using the vector field approach. The vector fields introduced in this paper can …

On the generation of trajectories for multiple UAVs in environments with obstacles

AA Neto, DG Macharet, MFM Campos - … UAVs, Reno, Nevada, USA June 8 …, 2010 - Springer
This paper presents a methodology based on a variation of the Rapidly-exploring Random
Trees (RRTs) that generates feasible trajectories for a team of autonomous aerial vehicles …

[KNYGA][B] Lighter than air robots: guidance and control of autonomous airships

YB Sebbane - 2011 -
An aerial robot is a system capable of sustained flight with no direct human control and able
to perform a specific task. A lighter than air robot is an aerial robot that relies on the static lift …

New developments in theory, algorithms, and applications for Pythagorean–hodograph curves

RT Farouki, C Giannelli, A Sestini - Advanced Methods for Geometric …, 2019 - Springer
The past decade has witnessed sustained interest in elucidating the basic theory of
Pythagorean–hodograph (PH) curves, develo** construction algorithms, formulating …