Cryptic species as a window into the paradigm shift of the species concept

C Fišer, CT Robinson, F Malard - Molecular ecology, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The species concept is the cornerstone of biodiversity science, and any paradigm shift in the
delimitation of species affects many research fields. Many biologists now are embracing a …

A subterranean adaptive radiation of amphipods in Europe

Š Borko, P Trontelj, O Seehausen, A Moškrič… - Nature …, 2021 -
Adaptive radiations are bursts of evolutionary species diversification that have contributed to
much of the species diversity on Earth. An exception is modern Europe, where descendants …

Continental-scale patterns of hyper-cryptic diversity within the freshwater model taxon Gammarus fossarum (Crustacea, Amphipoda)

R Wattier, T Mamos, D Copilaş-Ciocianu, M Jelić… - Scientific reports, 2020 -
Traditional morphological diagnoses of taxonomic status remain widely used while an
increasing number of studies show that one morphospecies might hide cryptic diversity, ie …

Invertebrate traits, diversity and the vulnerability of groundwater ecosystems

GC Hose, AA Chariton, MA Daam… - Functional …, 2022 -
Invertebrate traits, diversity and the vulnerability of groundwater ecosystems Page 1 2200 |
Functional Ecology. 2022;36:2200–2214. Received: 30 …

The late blooming amphipods: Global change promoted post-Jurassic ecological radiation despite Palaeozoic origin

D Copilaş-Ciocianu, Š Borko, C Fišer - Molecular Phylogenetics and …, 2020 - Elsevier
The ecological radiation of amphipods is striking among crustaceans. Despite high diversity,
global distribution and key roles in all aquatic environments, little is known about their …

Pronounced changes of subterranean biodiversity patterns along a Late Pleistocene glaciation gradient

M Knüsel, R Alther, F Altermatt - Ecography, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Understanding spatial patterns of biodiversity within the context of long‐term climatic shifts is
of high importance, particularly in the face of contemporary climate change. In comparison to …

Adrift across tectonic plates: molecular phylogenetics supports the ancient Laurasian origin of old limnic crangonyctid amphipods

D Copilaş-Ciocianu, D Sidorov… - Organisms Diversity & …, 2019 - Springer
Crangonyctidae is a speciose and almost exclusively freshwater Holarctic family of
amphipod crustaceans. Its members inhabit groundwater as well as epigean biotopes with …

A hotspot of groundwater amphipod diversity on a crossroad of evolutionary radiations

Š Borko, F Altermatt, M Zagmajster… - Diversity and …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Aim Groundwater harbours an exceptional fauna and provides invaluable ecosystem
services, yet is among the least explored and consequently least protected ecosystems …