Simplified crashworthiness method of automotive frame for conceptual design
C Gui, J Bai, W Zuo - Thin-Walled Structures, 2018 - Elsevier
The crashworthiness design of automotive structure is crucial to ensure the safety of
passengers. Lumped parameter models, multi-body models, plastic frame models and …
passengers. Lumped parameter models, multi-body models, plastic frame models and …
An efficient lightweight design strategy for body-in-white based on implicit parameterization technique
L Duan, N **_constraints_using_genetic_algorithm/links/58c60105aca272e36ddaa28e/Cross-sectional-shape-optimisation-for-thin-walled-beam-crashworthiness-with-stam**-constraints-using-genetic-algorithm.pdf" data-clk="hl=sr&sa=T&oi=gga&ct=gga&cd=4&d=3342658209507058542&ei=A_fCZ7PqN5uoieoPoZvUwQ4" data-clk-atid="biM2b-6BYy4J" target="_blank">[PDF] researchgate.net
Cross-sectional shape optimisation for thin-walled beam crashworthiness with stam** constraints using genetic algorithm
J Bai, Y Li, W Zuo - International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2017 - inderscienceonline.com
The energy absorption capacity of thin-walled beams (TWB) is important to reduce the
occupant injury in the collision of automobile structure. At the conceptual design stage …
occupant injury in the collision of automobile structure. At the conceptual design stage …
A hybrid OC–GA approach for fast and global truss optimization with frequency constraints
W Zuo, J Bai, B Li - Applied Soft Computing, 2014 - Elsevier
The truss optimization constrained with vibration frequencies is a highly nonlinear and more
computational cost problem. To speed up the convergence and obtain the global solution of …
computational cost problem. To speed up the convergence and obtain the global solution of …
Shape optimization of automotive body frame using an improved genetic algorithm optimizer
H Qin, Y Guo, Z Liu, Y Liu, H Zhong - Advances in Engineering Software, 2018 - Elsevier
At conceptual design stage, the cross-sectional shape design of automotive body-in-white
(BIW) frame is a critical and intractable technique. This paper presents shape optimization …
(BIW) frame is a critical and intractable technique. This paper presents shape optimization …
Component sensitivity analysis of conceptual vehicle body for lightweight design under static and dynamic stiffness demands
W Chen, W Zuo - International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2014 - inderscienceonline.com
At conceptual design stage, engineers mostly rely on their experience, intuition, and data
accumulation when making decisions on conceptual vehicle body (CVB). This paper …
accumulation when making decisions on conceptual vehicle body (CVB). This paper …
Bi-level optimization for the cross-sectional shape of a thin-walled car body frame with static stiffness and dynamic frequency stiffness constraints
W Zuo - Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical …, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
In usual automobile practice, the structural optimization of a car body is based on changes in
the topology, the shape, the cross-sectional shape and finally the thickness size …
the topology, the shape, the cross-sectional shape and finally the thickness size …
A CAD/CAE-integrated structural design framework for machine tools
J Wang, W Niu, Y Ma, L Xue, H Cun, Y Nie… - The International Journal …, 2017 - Springer
In this paper, a novel integrated framework for design and optimization of a machine tool
structure is presented, which can greatly improve the design quality and efficiency by …
structure is presented, which can greatly improve the design quality and efficiency by …