[HTML][HTML] Photoacoustic imaging for investigating tumor hypoxia: a strategic assessment
Hypoxia causes the expression of signaling molecules which regulate cell division, lead to
angiogenesis, and further, in the tumor microenvironment, promote resistance to …
angiogenesis, and further, in the tumor microenvironment, promote resistance to …
Couplants in acoustic biosensing systems
Acoustic biosensors are widely used in physical, chemical, and biosensing applications.
One of the major concerns in acoustic biosensing is the delicacy of the medium through …
One of the major concerns in acoustic biosensing is the delicacy of the medium through …
[HTML][HTML] Development and characterization of transfontanelle photoacoustic imaging system for detection of intracranial hemorrhages and measurement of brain …
We have developed and optimized an imaging system to study and improve the detection of
brain hemorrhage and to quantify oxygenation. Since this system is intended to be used for …
brain hemorrhage and to quantify oxygenation. Since this system is intended to be used for …
Randomized multi‐angle illumination for improved linear array photoacoustic computed tomography in brain
One of the key challenges in linear array transducer‐based photoacoustic computed
tomography is to image structures embedded deep within the biological tissue with limited …
tomography is to image structures embedded deep within the biological tissue with limited …
Evaluation of 10 current image reconstruction algorithms for linear array photoacoustic imaging
Various reconstruction algorithms have been implemented for linear array photoacoustic
imaging systems with the goal of accurately reconstructing the strength absorbers within the …
imaging systems with the goal of accurately reconstructing the strength absorbers within the …
Bilirubin–biliverdin concentration measurement using photoacoustic spectroscopic analysis for determining hemorrhage age
The onset of intracerebral hemorrhage and its progression toward acute brain injury have
been correlated with the concentration of unconjugated bilirubin (BR). In addition, BR has …
been correlated with the concentration of unconjugated bilirubin (BR). In addition, BR has …
Development of ex vivo brain hemorrhage phantom for photoacoustic imaging
Brain hemorrhage, specifically intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), is considered one of the
primary and leading causes of cerebral anomalies in neonates. Several imaging modalities …
primary and leading causes of cerebral anomalies in neonates. Several imaging modalities …
Recent technical advances in accelerating the clinical translation of small animal brain imaging: hybrid imaging, deep learning, and transcriptomics
Small animal models play a fundamental role in brain research by deepening the
understanding of the physiological functions and mechanisms underlying brain disorders …
understanding of the physiological functions and mechanisms underlying brain disorders …
Spiral laser scanning photoacoustic microscopy for functional brain imaging in rats
Significance There are many neuroscience questions that can be answered by a high-
resolution functional brain imaging system. Such a system would require the capability to …
resolution functional brain imaging system. Such a system would require the capability to …
Cerebral blood oxygenation measurement in sheep brain in-vivo using transfontanelle photoacoustic spectroscopy
Cerebral oxygenation monitoring at early stage of life is a measure of diagnosing hypoxia-
induced brain injuries that may otherwise result into severe neurological disorders. Two …
induced brain injuries that may otherwise result into severe neurological disorders. Two …