Close-range remote sensing of forests: The state of the art, challenges, and opportunities for systems and data acquisitions
Remote sensing-based forest investigation and monitoring have become more affordable
and applicable in the past few decades. The current bottleneck limiting practical use of the …
and applicable in the past few decades. The current bottleneck limiting practical use of the …
[HTML][HTML] A review of current and potential applications of remote sensing to study the water status of horticultural crops
With increasingly advanced remote sensing systems, more accurate retrievals of crop water
status are being made at the individual crop level to aid in precision irrigation. This paper …
status are being made at the individual crop level to aid in precision irrigation. This paper …
[HTML][HTML] Direct reflectance transformation methodology for drone-based hyperspectral imaging
Multi-and hyperspectral cameras on drones can be valuable tools in environmental
monitoring. A significant shortcoming complicating their usage in quantitative remote …
monitoring. A significant shortcoming complicating their usage in quantitative remote …
Accuracy of 3d landscape reconstruction without ground control points using different uas platforms
The rapid increase of low-cost consumer-grade to enterprise-level unmanned aerial systems
(UASs) has resulted in the exponential use of these systems in many applications. Structure …
(UASs) has resulted in the exponential use of these systems in many applications. Structure …
[HTML][HTML] Comparing methods for solar-induced fluorescence efficiency estimation using radiative transfer modelling and airborne diurnal measurements of barley …
Ability of remotely sensed solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) to serve as a
vegetation productivity and stress indicator is impaired by confounding factors, such as …
vegetation productivity and stress indicator is impaired by confounding factors, such as …
[HTML][HTML] Unmanned aerial systems (UAS)-based methods for solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) retrieval with non-imaging spectrometers: state of the art
Chlorophyll fluorescence (ChlF) information offers a deep insight into the plant physiological
status by reason of the close relationship it has with the photosynthetic activity. The …
status by reason of the close relationship it has with the photosynthetic activity. The …
[HTML][HTML] Validating Digital Earth Australia NBART for the Landsat 9 Underfly of Landsat 8
In recent years, Geoscience Australia has undertaken a successful continental-scale
validation program, targeting Landsat and Sentinel analysis-ready data surface reflectance …
validation program, targeting Landsat and Sentinel analysis-ready data surface reflectance …
The feasibility of using a low-cost near-infrared, sensitive, consumer-grade digital camera mounted on a commercial UAV to assess Bambara groundnut yield
Accurate, timely, and non-destructive early crop yield prediction at the field scale is essential
in addressing changing crop production challenges and mitigating impacts of climate …
in addressing changing crop production challenges and mitigating impacts of climate …
Online ground multitarget geolocation based on 3-D map construction using a UAV platform
Geolocating multiple targets of interest on the ground from an aerial platform is an important
activity in many applications, such as visual surveillance. However, due to the limited …
activity in many applications, such as visual surveillance. However, due to the limited …
Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence measured from an unmanned aircraft system: Sensor etaloning and platform motion correction
A dual-field-of-view spectroradiometer system has been developed for measuring solar-
induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF), from an unmanned aircraft system (UAS). This …
induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF), from an unmanned aircraft system (UAS). This …