Bose-Einstein condensation of trapped atomic gases
This article reviews recent investigations on the phenomenon of Bose-Einstein
condensation of dilute gases. Since the experimental observation of quantum degeneracy in …
condensation of dilute gases. Since the experimental observation of quantum degeneracy in …
Spectral functions in mathematics and physics
Spectral functions relevant in the context of quantum field theory under the influence of
spherically symmetric external conditions are analysed. Examples comprise heat-kernels …
spherically symmetric external conditions are analysed. Examples comprise heat-kernels …
Two-step condensation of the ideal Bose gas in highly anisotropic traps
The ideal Bose gas in a highly anisotropic harmonic potential is studied. It is found that Bose-
Einstein condensation occurs in two distinct steps as the temperature is lowered. In the first …
Einstein condensation occurs in two distinct steps as the temperature is lowered. In the first …
[ספר][B] Applications of topological methods in molecular chemistry
R Chauvin, C Lepetit, B Silvi, E Alikhani - 2016 - Springer
This book series provides reviews on the most recent developments in computational
chemistry and physics. It covers both the method developments and their applications. Each …
chemistry and physics. It covers both the method developments and their applications. Each …
Statistical physics of Bose-Einstein-condensed light in a dye microcavity
We theoretically analyze the temperature behavior of paraxial light in thermal equilibrium
with a dye-filled optical microcavity. At low temperatures the photon gas undergoes Bose …
with a dye-filled optical microcavity. At low temperatures the photon gas undergoes Bose …
Connecting Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless and BEC phase transitions by tuning interactions in a trapped gas
We study the critical point for the emergence of coherence in a harmonically trapped two-
dimensional Bose gas with tunable interactions. Over a wide range of interaction strengths …
dimensional Bose gas with tunable interactions. Over a wide range of interaction strengths …
Quasiparticle description of ()- flavor lattice QCD equation of state
A quasiparticle model has been employed to describe the (2+ 1)-flavor lattice QCD equation
of state with physical quark masses. The interaction part of the equation of state has been …
of state with physical quark masses. The interaction part of the equation of state has been …
Bose-Einstein condensation in arbitrarily shaped cavities
We discuss the phenomenon of Bose-Einstein condensation of an ideal nonrelativistic Bose
gas in an arbitrarily shaped cavity. The influence of the finite extension of the cavity on all …
gas in an arbitrarily shaped cavity. The influence of the finite extension of the cavity on all …
Calorimetry of a Bose–Einstein-condensed photon gas
Phase transitions, as the condensation of a gas to a liquid, are often revealed by a
discontinuous behaviour of thermodynamic quantities. For liquid helium, for example, a …
discontinuous behaviour of thermodynamic quantities. For liquid helium, for example, a …
Exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian for trapped interacting bosons in lower dimensions
We consider systems of a small number of interacting bosons confined to harmonic
potentials in one and two dimensions. By exact numerical diagonalization of the many-body …
potentials in one and two dimensions. By exact numerical diagonalization of the many-body …