[HTML][HTML] Variable step hybrid block method for the approximation of Kepler problem

J Sunday, A Shokri, D Marian - Fractal and Fractional, 2022 - mdpi.com
In this article, a variable step size strategy is adopted in formulating a new variable step
hybrid block method (VSHBM) for the solution of the Kepler problem, which is known to be a …

[HTML][HTML] Regularized solution of the Cauchy problem in an unbounded domain

DA Juraev, A Shokri, D Marian - Symmetry, 2022 - mdpi.com
Regularized Solution of the Cauchy Problem in an Unbounded Domain Next Article in Journal
Study of Weak Solutions for Degenerate Parabolic Inequalities with Nonlocal Nonlinearities Next …

On the simulations of second-order oscillatory problems with applications to physical systems

LJ Kwari, J Sunday, JN Ndam, A Shokri, Y Wang - Axioms, 2023 - mdpi.com
Second-order oscillatory problems have been found to be applicable in studying various
phenomena in science and engineering; this is because these problems have the …

A computational approach to solving some applied rigid second-order problems

J Sunday, A Shokri, NM Kamoh, BC Dang… - … and Computers in …, 2024 - Elsevier
When a differential equation exhibits chaos, stiffness, dam** and/or oscillation in its
solution component, such a differential equation is termed rigid. Over the years, solving such …

Implicit four-point hybrid block integrator for the simulations of stiff models

J Sunday, GM Kumleng, NM Kamoh… - Journal of the …, 2022 - journal.nsps.org.ng
Over the years, the systematic search for stiff model solvers that are near-optimal has
attracted the attention of many researchers. An attempt has been made in this research to …

Optimized two-step second derivative methods for the solutions of stiff systems

J Sunday - Journal of Physics Communications, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
In this research article, a pair of optimized two-step second derivative methods is derived
and implemented on stiff systems. The influence of equidistant and non-equidistant hybrid …

An accuracy-preserving block hybrid algorithm for the integration of second-order physical systems with oscillatory solutions

J Sunday, JN Ndam, LJ Kwari - Journal of the Nigerian Society of …, 2023 - journal.nsps.org.ng
It is a known fact that in most cases, to integrate an oscillatory problem, higher order A-stable
methods are often needed. This is because such problems are characterized by stiffness …

A numerical block hybrid algorithm for solving systems of first-order initial value problems

NM Kamoh, BC Dang, J Sunday - Afrika Matematika, 2024 - Springer
Attracted by the importance of ordinary differential equations in many physical situations like,
engineering, business and health care in particular, an effective and successful numerical …

[HTML][HTML] Circumventing ill-conditioning arising from using linear multistep methods in approximating the solution of initial value problems

RO Akinola, A Shokri, SW Yao, SY Kutchin - Mathematics, 2022 - mdpi.com
When finding numerical solutions to stiff and nonstiff initial value problems using linear
multistep methods, ill-conditioned systems are often encountered. In this paper, we …

One-step three-parameter optimized hybrid block method for solving first order initial value problems of ordinary differential equations

EA Areo, S Gbenro, BT Olabode… - Journal of Mathematical …, 2024 - sabapub.com
A one-step three-parameter optimized hybrid block method and second derivative hybrid
block method with optimized points were proposed to solve first-order ordinary differential …