Proton imaging of high-energy-density laboratory plasmas
Proton imaging has become a key diagnostic for measuring electromagnetic fields in high-
energy-density (HED) laboratory plasmas. Compared to other techniques for diagnosing …
energy-density (HED) laboratory plasmas. Compared to other techniques for diagnosing …
Laser produced electromagnetic pulses: generation, detection and mitigation
This paper provides an up-to-date review of the problems related to the generation,
detection and mitigation of strong electromagnetic pulses created in the interaction of high …
detection and mitigation of strong electromagnetic pulses created in the interaction of high …
Helical coil design with controlled dispersion for bunching enhancement of protons generated by the target normal sheath acceleration
The quality of the proton beam produced by target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA) with
high-power lasers can be significantly improved with the use of helical coils. While they …
high-power lasers can be significantly improved with the use of helical coils. While they …
[HTML][HTML] Guided electromagnetic discharge pulses driven by short intense laser pulses: Characterization and modeling
Strong electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) are generated from intense laser interactions with
solid-density targets and can be guided by the target geometry, specifically through …
solid-density targets and can be guided by the target geometry, specifically through …
Dual stage approach to laser-driven helical coil proton acceleration
Helical coil accelerators are a recent development in laser-driven ion production, acting on
the intrinsically wide divergence and broadband energy spectrum of laser-accelerated …
the intrinsically wide divergence and broadband energy spectrum of laser-accelerated …
Physics of chromatic focusing, post-acceleration and bunching of laser-driven proton beams in helical coil targets
M Bardon, JG Moreau, L Romagnani… - Plasma Physics and …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
To increase the fluence and maximum energy of laser-driven proton beams in view of
potential applications such as isochoric heating of dense material or isotope production, it …
potential applications such as isochoric heating of dense material or isotope production, it …
High energy implementation of coil-target scheme for guided re-acceleration of laser-driven protons
Develo** compact ion accelerators using intense lasers is a very active area of research,
motivated by a strong applicative potential in science, industry and healthcare. However …
motivated by a strong applicative potential in science, industry and healthcare. However …
A new line for laser-driven light ions acceleration and related TNSA studies
In this paper, we present the status of the line for laser-driven light ions acceleration (L3IA)
currently under implementation at the Intense Laser Irradiation Laboratory (ILIL), and we …
currently under implementation at the Intense Laser Irradiation Laboratory (ILIL), and we …
Efficient post-acceleration of protons in helical coil targets driven by sub-ps laser pulses
The characteristics of laser driven proton beams can be efficiently controlled and optimised
by employing a recently developed helical coil technique, which exploits the transient self …
by employing a recently developed helical coil technique, which exploits the transient self …
Parametric study of a high amplitude electromagnetic pulse driven by an intense laser
An investigation of the electromagnetic (EM) pulse produced by high intensity laser-solid
interactions has been carried out by employing the proton probing technique. Laser …
interactions has been carried out by employing the proton probing technique. Laser …