An overview of MULTIMOORA for multi-criteria decision-making: Theory, developments, applications, and challenges

A Hafezalkotob, A Hafezalkotob, H Liao, F Herrera - Information Fusion, 2019 - Elsevier
MULTIMOORA is a useful multi-criteria decision-making technique. The output of the
MULTIMOORA is a ranking obtained by aggregating the results of the ternary ranking …

Multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) methods in economics: an overview

EK Zavadskas, Z Turskis - Technological and economic …, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
The main research activities in economics during the last five years have significantly
increased. The main research fields are operation research and sustainable development …

Personnel selection based on computing with words and fuzzy MULTIMOORA

A Baležentis, T Baležentis, WKM Brauers - Expert Systems with …, 2012 - Elsevier
Personnel selection process is aimed at choosing the best candidate to fill the defined
vacancy in a company. It determines the input quality of personnel and thus plays an …

Evaluation of business strategies based on the financial performance of the corporation and investors' behavior using D-CRITIC and fuzzy MULTI-MOORA techniques …

N Ghaemi-Zadeh, M Eghbali-Zarch - Expert Systems with Applications, 2024 - Elsevier
Revealing the complex relationship between corporation-chosen strategies and financial
performance is crucial in navigating today's dynamic business landscape. This research …

Comparative analysis of some prominent MCDM methods: A case of ranking Serbian banks

D Stanujkic, B Djordjevic… - Serbian journal of …, 2013 -
In the literature, many multiple criteria decision making methods have been proposed. There
are also a number of papers, which are devoted to comparison of their characteristics and …

Extended MULTIMOORA method based on Shannon entropy weight for materials selection

A Hafezalkotob, A Hafezalkotob - Journal of Industrial Engineering …, 2016 - Springer
Selection of appropriate material is a crucial step in engineering design and manufacturing
process. Without a systematic technique, many useful engineering materials may be ignored …

Comparison of Fuzzy TOPSIS, Fuzzy VIKOR, Fuzzy WASPAS and Fuzzy MMOORA methods in the housing selection problem

B Kizielewicz, A Bączkiewicz - Procedia Computer Science, 2021 - Elsevier
Decision-making problems in an uncertain environment can be solved using fuzzy multi-
criteria decision-making methods. One such problem is the problem of housing selection …

An integrated assessment of Lithuanian economic sectors based on financial ratios and fuzzy MCDM methods

A Baležentis, T Baležentis… - … Economic Development of …, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
The aim of this study was to offer a novel procedure for integrated assessment and
comparison of Lithuanian economic sectors on the basis of financial ratios and fuzzy MCDM …

[PDF][PDF] Selection of candidates in the mining industry based on the application of the SWARA and the MULTIMOORA methods.

D Karabasevic, D Stanujkic, S Urosevic… - Acta Montanistica …, 2015 -
The goal of this manuscript is to provide an efficient approach to the process of the
recruitment and selection of candidates in the mining industry. The proposed approach is …

Identification and evaluation of construction projects' critical success factors employing fuzzy-TOPSIS approach

AI Maghsoodi, M Khalilzadeh - KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2018 - Springer
The construction industry is a significant motive for the economic and industrial
developments in countries. Consequently, the success of the construction projects is crucial …