An overview on denial-of-service attacks in control systems: Attack models and security analyses

A Cetinkaya, H Ishii, T Hayakawa - Entropy, 2019 -
In this paper, we provide an overview of recent research efforts on networked control
systems under denial-of-service attacks. Our goal is to discuss the utility of different attack …

Cnn-based cascaded multi-task learning of high-level prior and density estimation for crowd counting

VA Sindagi, VM Patel - … on advanced video and signal based …, 2017 -
Estimating crowd count in densely crowded scenes is an extremely challenging task due to
non-uniform scale variations. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end cascaded …

Data collection for attack detection and security measurement in mobile ad hoc networks: A survey

G Liu, Z Yan, W Pedrycz - Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is becoming one type of major next generation
wireless networks. Nevertheless, it easily suffers from various attacks due to its specific …

Internet of things from hype to reality

A Rayes, S Salam - Springer, 2017 - Springer
Technology is becoming embedded in nearly everything in our lives. Just look around you
and you will see how the Internet has affected many aspects of our existence. Virtually …

Trust mechanisms in wireless sensor networks: Attack analysis and countermeasures

Y Yu, K Li, W Zhou, P Li - Journal of Network and computer Applications, 2012 - Elsevier
As the trust issue in wireless sensor networks is emerging as one important factor in security
schemes, it is necessary to analyze how to resist attacks with a trust scheme. In this paper …

Networked control under random and malicious packet losses

A Cetinkaya, H Ishii, T Hayakawa - IEEE Transactions on …, 2016 -
We study cyber security issues in networked control of a linear dynamical system.
Specifically, the dynamical system and the controller are assumed to be connected through …

Defending ON–OFF attacks using light probing messages in smart sensors for industrial communication systems

X Liu, Y Liu, A Liu, LT Yang - IEEE Transactions on Industrial …, 2018 -
Industrial communication systems (ICSs) have become an important part of many automated
applications. Smart sensors for ICSs have attracted much attention. Using smart sensors for …

Internet of things security and privacy

A Rayes, S Salam - Internet of Things From Hype to Reality: The Road to …, 2022 - Springer
This chapter focuses on defining the key IoT security and privacy requirements. A three-
domain IoT architecture is considered in the analysis where we analyze the attacks targeting …

Adaptive and channel-aware detection of selective forwarding attacks in wireless sensor networks

J Ren, Y Zhang, K Zhang, X Shen - IEEE Transactions on …, 2016 -
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are vulnerable to selective forwarding attacks that can
maliciously drop a subset of forwarding packets to degrade network performance and …

Modified DSR protocol for detection and removal of selective black hole attack in MANET

M Mohanapriya, I Krishnamurthi - Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2014 - Elsevier
A black hole attack in ad hoc network refers to an attack by malicious nodes, which forcibly
acquires the route from a source to destination by falsely advertising shortest hop count to …