Core–mantle boundary heat flow

T Lay, J Hernlund, BA Buffett - Nature geoscience, 2008 -
The Earth can be viewed as a massive heat engine, with various energy sources and sinks.
Insights into its evolution can be obtained by quantifying the various energy contributions in …

Possible links between long-term geomagnetic variations and whole-mantle convection processes

AJ Biggin, B Steinberger, J Aubert, N Suttie… - Nature …, 2012 -
The Earth's internal magnetic field varies on timescales of months to billions of years. The
field is generated by convection in the liquid outer core, which in turn is influenced by the …

Geodynamic diagnostics, scientific visualisation and StagLab 3.0

F Crameri - Geoscientific Model Development, 2018 -
Today's geodynamic models can, often do and sometimes have to become very complex.
Their underlying, increasingly elaborate numerical codes produce a growing amount of raw …

Scaling properties of convection-driven dynamos in rotating spherical shells and application to planetary magnetic fields

UR Christensen, J Aubert - Geophysical Journal International, 2006 -
We study numerically an extensive set of dynamo models in rotating spherical shells,
varying all relevant control parameters by at least two orders of magnitude. Convection is …

[KNYGA][B] Geothermal energy systems: exploration, development, and utilization

E Huenges, P Ledru - 2011 -
Geothermal Energy Systems The book encounters basic knowledge about geothermal
technology for the utilization of geothermal resources. The book helps to understand the …

[PDF][PDF] 7.06-temperatures, heat and energy in the mantle of the earth

C Jaupart, S Labrosse, F Lucazeau… - Treatise on …, 2007 -
Even a cursory historical look at the development of geology reveals that the cooling of the
Earth has always been a central issue (Birch, 1965; Fourier, 1824; Holmes, 1915; Joly …

Water distribution across the mantle transition zone and its implications for global material circulation

S Karato - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2011 - Elsevier
Various methods for inferring the water distribution in Earth's mantle are reviewed including
geochemical and geophysical methods. The geochemical approach using the water …

Thermal evolution of the core with a high thermal conductivity

S Labrosse - Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2015 - Elsevier
The rate at which heat is extracted across the core mantle boundary (CMB) is constrained by
the requirement of dynamo action in the core. This constraint can be computed explicitly …

What drives tectonic plates?

N Coltice, L Husson, C Faccenna, M Arnould - Science advances, 2019 -
Does Earth's mantle drive plates, or do plates drive mantle flow? This long-standing
question may be ill posed, however, as both the lithosphere and mantle belong to a single …

[PDF][PDF] Archean geodynamics and the thermal evolution of Earth

J Korenaga - Geophysical Monograph-American …, 2006 -
Complementary to field-oriented reconstruction, a theoretical approach based on the
physics of mantle convection may provide a simple yet comprehensive framework, which …