Femtosecond laser writing of freeform gradient index microlenses in hydrogel-based contact lenses

GA Gandara-Montano, A Ivansky, DE Savage… - Optical Materials …, 2015‏ - opg.optica.org
Femtosecond lasers can be used to write a variety of gradient index refractive devices.
Writing devices with an arbitrary optical profile (ie, freeform) requires knowing the functional …

Multiphoton scaling of femtosecond laser-induced refractive index change (LIRIC) in hydrogels and rabbit cornea

KT Wozniak, ZA Manning, R Huang, S Cox… - Biomedical Optics …, 2024‏ - opg.optica.org
To find optimal conditions for performing laser induced refractive index change (LIRIC) in
living eyes with both safety and efficacy, we investigated multiphoton excitation scaling of …

Optical quality of hydrogel ophthalmic devices created with femtosecond laser induced refractive index modification

GA Gandara-Montano, L Zheleznyak… - Optical Materials …, 2018‏ - opg.optica.org
The wavefront aberrations of hydrogel material were altered using a technique of
femtosecond laser induced refractive index modification. Gradient-index Fresnel lenses …

Comparable change in stromal refractive index of cat and human corneas following blue-IRIS

KT Wozniak, SM Gearhart, DE Savage… - … of biomedical optics, 2017‏ - spiedigitallibrary.org
Blue intratissue refractive index sha** (blue-IRIS) is a method with potential to correct
ocular refraction noninvasively in humans. To date, blue-IRIS has only ever been applied to …

Contrasting cellular damage after Blue-IRIS and Femto-LASIK in cat cornea

KT Wozniak, N Elkins, DR Brooks, DE Savage… - Experimental eye …, 2017‏ - Elsevier
Blue-intra-tissue refractive index sha** (Blue-IRIS) is a new approach to laser refractive
correction of optical aberrations in the eye, which alters the refractive index of the cornea …

Temporal evolution of the biological response to laser-induced refractive index change (LIRIC) in rabbit corneas

KT Wozniak, SC Butler, X He, JD Ellis, WH Knox… - Experimental eye …, 2021‏ - Elsevier
Laser-induced refractive index change (LIRIC) is a new, non-incisional, non-ablative,
femtosecond photo-modification technique being developed for vision correction in humans …

Scattering properties of ultrafast laser-induced refractive index sha** lenticular structures in hydrogels

KT Wozniak, TA Germer, SC Butler… - Frontiers in Ultrafast …, 2018‏ - spiedigitallibrary.org
We present measurements of light scatter induced by a new ultrafast laser technique being
developed for laser refractive correction in transparent ophthalmic materials such as cornea …

Manufacturing of Gradient Index Lenses for Ophthalmic Applications

JD Ellis, DR Brooks, KT Wozniak… - Optical Fabrication …, 2017‏ - opg.optica.org
Abstract Intra-Tissue Refractive Index Sha** (IRIS) is a scalable manufacturing process
where a femtosecond laser can be used to photo-modify the refractive index of an …

Measurement and design of refractive corrections using ultrafast laser-induced intra-tissue refractive index sha** in live cats

DR Brooks, KT Wozniak, W Knox… - Ophthalmic …, 2018‏ - spiedigitallibrary.org
Intra-Tissue Refractive Index Sha** (IRIS) uses a 405 nm femtosecond laser focused into
the stromal region of the cornea to induce a local refractive index change through …

[ספר][B] A non-ablative technique for femtosecond laser-based refractive correction: development, efficacy, and tissue effects

DE Savage - 2018‏ - search.proquest.com
Laser-induced refractive index change is a technique that uses ultrashort pulses of laser
light to change material properties—namely, refractive index—without causing overt …