The avian taste system
Taste or gustation is the sense evolving from the chemo-sensory system present in the oral
cavity of avian species, which evolved to evaluate the nutritional value of foods by detecting …
cavity of avian species, which evolved to evaluate the nutritional value of foods by detecting …
Molecular scatology: how to improve prey DNA detection success in avian faeces?
J Oehm, A Juen, K Nagiller… - Molecular ecology …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
The analysis of prey DNA in faeces is a non‐invasive approach to examine the diet of birds.
However, it is poorly known how gut transition time, environmental factors and laboratory …
However, it is poorly known how gut transition time, environmental factors and laboratory …
Metabarcoding of stomach contents and fecal samples provide similar insights about Seaside Sparrow diet
DNA metabarcoding is a popular tool for animal diet studies to address a variety of research
topics across disciplines and taxa. Despite its widespread use, there has been relatively little …
topics across disciplines and taxa. Despite its widespread use, there has been relatively little …
Food from faeces: Evaluating the efficacy of scat DNA metabarcoding in dietary analyses
Scat DNA metabarcoding is increasingly being used to track the feeding ecology of elusive
wildlife species. This approach has greatly increased the resolution and detection success …
wildlife species. This approach has greatly increased the resolution and detection success …
The chemical senses in birds
The chemical senses generally fall into three categories: chemesthesis (irritation and pain),
olfaction (smell), and gustation (taste). Traditionally, the emphasis in describing …
olfaction (smell), and gustation (taste). Traditionally, the emphasis in describing …
Using web-sourced photographs to examine temporal patterns in sex-specific diet of a highly sexually dimorphic raptor
Traditional methods to study raptor diet are usually limited temporally, eg prey remains at
nesting sites, and are unsuitable to examine dietary changes throughout the year. Using …
nesting sites, and are unsuitable to examine dietary changes throughout the year. Using …
Intersexual patterns of the digestive tract and body size are opposed in a large bird
The appropriate structure of the digestive tract is crucial for individual adaptation to
ecological conditions. In birds, the length of the small intestine, responsible for food …
ecological conditions. In birds, the length of the small intestine, responsible for food …
Dietary divergence in the most sexually size-dimorphic bird
In sexually size-dimorphic species, physiological constraints derived from differences in
body size may determine different food requirements and thus a trophic niche divergence …
body size may determine different food requirements and thus a trophic niche divergence …
Determinants of sexual differences in escape behavior in lizards of the genus Anolis: a comparative approach
B Vanhooydonck, A Herrel… - … and Comparative Biology, 2007 -
Males and females are known to differ in a whole suite of characteristics, such as
morphology, physiology, ecology, and behavior. Intersexual differences are generally …
morphology, physiology, ecology, and behavior. Intersexual differences are generally …
Sugar preferences and digestive efficiency in an opportunistic avian nectarivore, the Dark-capped Bulbul Pycnonotus tricolor
It has recently been recognized that flowers pollinated by generalist opportunistic
nectarivores tend to have different nectar properties to those pollinated by specialist …
nectarivores tend to have different nectar properties to those pollinated by specialist …