[HTML][HTML] Retained bullet in the neck after gunshot wounds to the chest and arm in combat patient injured in the war in Ukraine: a case report

RV Gybalo, IA Lurin, V Safonov, DI Dudla… - International Journal of …, 2022 - Elsevier
Introduction and importance A gunshot wound is the most common injury in armed conflicts,
resulting in severe trauma and increased morbidity usually due to damage to major vessels …

Unilateral isolated hypoglossal nerve palsy caused by gunshot injury

B Ozdemir, A Kanat, S Batcik, OE Batcik… - Journal of …, 2018 - journals.lww.com
Cranial nerve palsies after gunshot injury are not uncommon. However, in the literature, only
1 patient with isolated hypoglossal nerve paralysis caused by gunshot has been published …

[PDF][PDF] Penetran Travmaya Bağlı İnternal Karotis Arter Diseksiyonu ile İlişkili İskemik İnme Olgusu: Nedensellik Bağı İçin Adli Tıbbi Değerlendirme

M Aşırdizer, M Arslan, U Demir - Adli Tıp Bülteni, 2019 - adlitipbulteni.com
İskemik inme, önemli bir morbidite ve mortalite nedenidir. Ancak travmatik internal karotis
arter diseksiyonuna bağlı iskemik inme nadir görülen bir durumdur. Bu olgu sunumunda, 35 …


ОВ Пинчук, ВВ Яменсков - ГОСПИТАЛЬНАЯ М Е Д И Ц И Н А наука и … - 3hospital.ru
ФГБУ «Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр высоких медицинских
технологий–Центральный военный клинический госпиталь им. АА Вишневского» …

[DOC][DOC] Unilateral Isolated Hypoglossal Nerve Palsy caused by Gunshot Injury; Second Reported Case Bulent Ozdemir (1), Ayhan Kanat (1), Sule Batcik (2), Osman …

A Kanat - researchgate.net
Cranial nerve palsies after gunshot injury are not uncommon. However, in literature, only
one case with isolated hypoglossal nerve paralysis caused by gunshot has been published …