[HTML][HTML] Retained bullet in the neck after gunshot wounds to the chest and arm in combat patient injured in the war in Ukraine: a case report
RV Gybalo, IA Lurin, V Safonov, DI Dudla… - International Journal of …, 2022 - Elsevier
Introduction and importance A gunshot wound is the most common injury in armed conflicts,
resulting in severe trauma and increased morbidity usually due to damage to major vessels …
resulting in severe trauma and increased morbidity usually due to damage to major vessels …
Unilateral isolated hypoglossal nerve palsy caused by gunshot injury
Cranial nerve palsies after gunshot injury are not uncommon. However, in the literature, only
1 patient with isolated hypoglossal nerve paralysis caused by gunshot has been published …
1 patient with isolated hypoglossal nerve paralysis caused by gunshot has been published …
[PDF][PDF] Penetran Travmaya Bağlı İnternal Karotis Arter Diseksiyonu ile İlişkili İskemik İnme Olgusu: Nedensellik Bağı İçin Adli Tıbbi Değerlendirme
İskemik inme, önemli bir morbidite ve mortalite nedenidir. Ancak travmatik internal karotis
arter diseksiyonuna bağlı iskemik inme nadir görülen bir durumdur. Bu olgu sunumunda, 35 …
arter diseksiyonuna bağlı iskemik inme nadir görülen bir durumdur. Bu olgu sunumunda, 35 …
ОВ Пинчук, ВВ Яменсков - ГОСПИТАЛЬНАЯ М Е Д И Ц И Н А наука и … - 3hospital.ru
ФГБУ «Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр высоких медицинских
технологий–Центральный военный клинический госпиталь им. АА Вишневского» …
технологий–Центральный военный клинический госпиталь им. АА Вишневского» …
[DOC][DOC] Unilateral Isolated Hypoglossal Nerve Palsy caused by Gunshot Injury; Second Reported Case Bulent Ozdemir (1), Ayhan Kanat (1), Sule Batcik (2), Osman …
A Kanat - researchgate.net
Cranial nerve palsies after gunshot injury are not uncommon. However, in literature, only
one case with isolated hypoglossal nerve paralysis caused by gunshot has been published …
one case with isolated hypoglossal nerve paralysis caused by gunshot has been published …