Recent progress in active optical metasurfaces
Evolving from metamaterials, optical metasurfaces not only inherit their unprecedented
flexibility in tailoring light–matter interaction but also the generally fixed response …
flexibility in tailoring light–matter interaction but also the generally fixed response …
All-dielectric thermonanophotonics
Nanophotonics is an important branch of modern optics dealing with light–matter interaction
at the nanoscale. Nanoparticles can exhibit enhanced light absorption under illumination by …
at the nanoscale. Nanoparticles can exhibit enhanced light absorption under illumination by …
Multi‐Path Electron Transfer in 1D Double‐Shelled Sn@Mo2C/C Tubes with Enhanced Dielectric Loss for Boosting Microwave Absorption Performance
X Qian, Y Zhang, Z Wu, R Zhang, X Li, M Wang, R Che - Small, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract 1D tubular micro‐nano structural materials have been attracting extensive attention
in the microwave absorption (MA) field for their anisotropy feature, outstanding impedance …
in the microwave absorption (MA) field for their anisotropy feature, outstanding impedance …
[HTML][HTML] Phase change materials in photonic devices
Recent developments in reconfigurable photonic devices highly rely on the effective
refractive index change enabled by phase change materials (PCMs) as either dielectric …
refractive index change enabled by phase change materials (PCMs) as either dielectric …
Magnetic octupole response of dielectric quadrumers
The development of new approaches to tuning the resonant magnetic response of simple all‐
dielectric nanostructures is very important in modern nanophotonics. Here, it is shown that a …
dielectric nanostructures is very important in modern nanophotonics. Here, it is shown that a …
[HTML][HTML] On-chip integrated photonic devices based on phase change materials
Phase change materials present a unique type of materials that drastically change their
electrical and optical properties on the introduction of an external electrical or optical …
electrical and optical properties on the introduction of an external electrical or optical …
Dewetting mechanisms and their exploitation for the large-scale fabrication of advanced nanophotonic systems
Recent progress in submicron-and nano-fabrication technologies has led to the emergence
of novel photonic structures such as optical nanoantennas and metasurfaces. Real-life …
of novel photonic structures such as optical nanoantennas and metasurfaces. Real-life …
Femtosecond laser printing patterned nanoparticles on flexible substrate by tuning plasmon resonances via polarization modulation
Nanoparticles patterned on stretchable films for broad applications lack efficient fabrication
methods. In this study, femtosecond laser-induced transfer was employed to assemble …
methods. In this study, femtosecond laser-induced transfer was employed to assemble …
Exclusive magnetic excitation enabled by structured light illumination in a nanoscale mie resonator
Recent work has shown that optical magnetism, generally considered a challenging light–
matter interaction, can be significant at the nanoscale. In particular, the dielectric …
matter interaction, can be significant at the nanoscale. In particular, the dielectric …
Fast reversible phase change silicon for visible active photonics
Both amorphous and crystalline silicon are ubiquitous materials for electronics, photonics,
and microelectromechanical systems. On‐demand control of Si crystallinity is crucial for …
and microelectromechanical systems. On‐demand control of Si crystallinity is crucial for …