Track transitions in railways: A review
Track transition zones are discontinuities along the track structure which can potentially be
vulnerable to geometry and material deterioration causing increased maintenance costs …
vulnerable to geometry and material deterioration causing increased maintenance costs …
Improved performance of ballasted tracks at transition zones: A review of experimental and modelling approaches
Track transitions such as bridge approaches, road crossings and shifts from slab track to
ballasted track are common locations where track degradation accelerates due to dynamic …
ballasted track are common locations where track degradation accelerates due to dynamic …
Modelling, simulation and evaluation of ground vibration caused by rail vehicles
There is a great need to develop rail networks over long distances and within cities as more
sustainable transport options. However, noise and vibration are seen as a negative …
sustainable transport options. However, noise and vibration are seen as a negative …
Transition zones to railway bridges: track measurements and numerical modelling
Railway tracks degrade faster at transition zones to railway bridges. In modern lines,
backfills with bound and unbound granular geomaterials have been used to minimize this …
backfills with bound and unbound granular geomaterials have been used to minimize this …
A critical review on the vertical stiffness irregularity of railway ballasted track
The dynamic performance of a railway track subjected to moving trains depends strongly on
track support conditions. In reality, even for the well-constructed and well-maintained tracks …
track support conditions. In reality, even for the well-constructed and well-maintained tracks …
Dynamic behaviour of the track in transitions zones considering the differential settlement
Transition zones in railway tracks are the locations with considerable changes in supporting
structures. Because of the difference in the structures or material properties, the differential …
structures. Because of the difference in the structures or material properties, the differential …
Numerical study of transition zone between ballasted and ballastless railway track
M Shahraki, C Warnakulasooriya, KJ Witt - Transportation Geotechnics, 2015 - Elsevier
Track stiffness plays an important role in design and construction stages of the railway track.
Smoother travel and longer life time of a track depend on the immutable track stiffness …
Smoother travel and longer life time of a track depend on the immutable track stiffness …
Effectiveness of geogrid reinforcement in improvement of mechanical behavior of sand-contaminated ballast
Vertical stiffness and shear strength of ballasts are significantly degraded when
contaminated with sands. There is a lack of solutions/studies related to strengthening ballast …
contaminated with sands. There is a lack of solutions/studies related to strengthening ballast …
Numerical simulations to improve the use of under sleeper pads at transition zones to railway bridges
Transition zones to bridges and other structures are critical locations in railway tracks that
frequently evidence poor long-term performance. Under sleeper pads (USPs) are reported …
frequently evidence poor long-term performance. Under sleeper pads (USPs) are reported …
The effect of soil improvement and auxiliary rails at railway track transition zones
Railway track transition zones are areas where there is a sudden change in the track-ground
structure. They include changes between ballasted and slab track, bridge approaches, and …
structure. They include changes between ballasted and slab track, bridge approaches, and …