Cascaded-extended-state-observer-based sliding-mode control for underactuated flexible joint robot
This article presents a new cascaded extended state observer (CESO)-based sliding-mode
control (SMC) for an underactuated flexible joint robot (FJR). The control of the FJR has …
control (SMC) for an underactuated flexible joint robot (FJR). The control of the FJR has …
[KNJIGA][B] Control and estimation of dynamical nonlinear and partial differential equation systems: Theory and Applications
Robotic and mechatronic systems, autonomous vehicles, electric power systems and smart
grids, as well as manufacturing and industrial production systems can exhibit complex …
grids, as well as manufacturing and industrial production systems can exhibit complex …
A variable self-tuning horizon mechanism for generalized dynamic predictive control on DC/DC boost converters feeding CPLs
In high-power electronic industrial systems, constant power loads (CPLs) can affect the
system performance or even cause instability due to its inherent negative impedance …
system performance or even cause instability due to its inherent negative impedance …
Practically robust fixed-time convergent sliding mode control for underactuated aerial flexible jointrobots manipulators
The control of an aerial flexible joint robot (FJR) manipulator system with underactuation is a
difficult task due to unavoidable factors, including, coupling, underactuation, nonlinearities …
difficult task due to unavoidable factors, including, coupling, underactuation, nonlinearities …
Underactuated mechanical systems with both actuator and actuated/unactuated state constraints: A predictive control-based approach
Underactuated systems are widely used in practice. Due to actuator saturation and transient
performance requirements, it is necessary to keep the control inputs and system states …
performance requirements, it is necessary to keep the control inputs and system states …
Stochastic configuration network based cascade generalized predictive control of main steam temperature in power plants
Y Wang, M Wang, D Wang, Y Chang - Information Sciences, 2022 - Elsevier
The main steam temperature (MST) in power plants suffers from nonlinearity and large time
delay, which cause large overshoot and long settling time under widely used cascade …
delay, which cause large overshoot and long settling time under widely used cascade …
Generalized dynamic predictive control for nonlinear systems subject to mismatched disturbances with application to PMSM drives
This article investigates a generalized dynamic predictive control (GDPC) strategy with a
novel autonomous tuning mechanism of the horizon for a class of nonlinear systems subject …
novel autonomous tuning mechanism of the horizon for a class of nonlinear systems subject …
Safety-critical generalized predictive control for speed regulation of PMSM drives based on dynamic robust control barrier function
The speed regulation of a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) with a
noncascade structure involves interactions between safety constraints and control …
noncascade structure involves interactions between safety constraints and control …
Prescribed performance based sliding mode path-following control of UVMS with flexible joints using extended state observer based sliding mode disturbance …
The accuracy and stability of an underwater vehicle manipulator system (UVMS) are
essential for performing underwater tasks. However, exogenous disturbance and …
essential for performing underwater tasks. However, exogenous disturbance and …
Reinforcement-learning-based robust force control for compliant grinding via inverse hysteresis compensation
H Tang, Z Liu, T Yang, L Sun, Y Fang… - IEEE/ASME …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Traditional robotic grinding is prone to damage workpiece surface due to the high
unmatched stiffness of manipulators and the difficulty in measuring actual contact force …
unmatched stiffness of manipulators and the difficulty in measuring actual contact force …