Trialities of -algebras
We prove the conjecture of Gaiotto and Rap\v {c}\'ak that the $ Y $-algebras $ Y_ {L, M,
N}[\psi] $ with one of the parameters $ L, M, N $ zero, are simple one-parameter quotients of …
N}[\psi] $ with one of the parameters $ L, M, N $ zero, are simple one-parameter quotients of …
Vertex algebras for S-duality
T Creutzig, D Gaiotto - Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2020 - Springer
We define new deformable families of vertex operator algebras A g, Ψ, σ A g, Ψ, σ
associated to a large set of S-duality operations in four-dimensional supersymmetric gauge …
associated to a large set of S-duality operations in four-dimensional supersymmetric gauge …
W-algebras for Argyres–Douglas theories
T Creutzig - European Journal of Mathematics, 2017 - Springer
The Schur index of the (A_1, X_n)(A 1, X n)-Argyres–Douglas theory is conjecturally a
character of a vertex operator algebra. Here such vertex algebras are found for the A_ odd A …
character of a vertex operator algebra. Here such vertex algebras are found for the A_ odd A …
Higher rank partial and false theta functions and representation theory
We study higher rank Jacobi partial and false theta functions (generalizations of the classical
partial and false theta functions) associated to positive definite rational lattices. In particular …
partial and false theta functions) associated to positive definite rational lattices. In particular …
Rectangular W-algebras, extended higher spin gravity and dual coset CFTs
A bstract We analyze the asymptotic symmetry of higher spin gravity with M× M matrix valued
fields, which is given by rectangular W-algebras with su (M) symmetry. The matrix valued …
fields, which is given by rectangular W-algebras with su (M) symmetry. The matrix valued …
𝒲-algebras, false theta functions and quantum modular forms, I
In this paper, we study certain partial and false theta functions in connection to vertex
operator algebras and conformal field theory. We prove a variety of results concerning the …
operator algebras and conformal field theory. We prove a variety of results concerning the …
Torus knots and quantum modular forms
K Hikami, J Lovejoy - Research in the Mathematical Sciences, 2015 - Springer
In this paper we compute aq-hypergeometric expression for the cyclotomic expansion of the
colored Jones polynomial for the left-handed torus knot (2, 2 t+ 1). We use this to define a …
colored Jones polynomial for the left-handed torus knot (2, 2 t+ 1). We use this to define a …
Quantum modular forms and plumbing graphs of 3-manifolds
In this paper, we study quantum modular forms in connection to quantum invariants of
plumbed 3-manifolds introduced recently by Gukov, Pei, Putrov, and Vafa. We explicitly …
plumbed 3-manifolds introduced recently by Gukov, Pei, Putrov, and Vafa. We explicitly …
On regularised quantum dimensions of the singlet vertex operator algebra and false theta functions
We study a family of non-C 2-cofinite vertex operator algebras, called the singlet vertex
operator algebras, and connect several important concepts in the theory of vertex operator …
operator algebras, and connect several important concepts in the theory of vertex operator …
Elliptic genera of ALE and ALF manifolds from gauged linear sigma models
A bstract We compute the equivariant elliptic genera of several classes of ALE and ALF
manifolds using localization in gauged linear sigma models. In the sigma model …
manifolds using localization in gauged linear sigma models. In the sigma model …