Trialities of -algebras

T Creutzig, AR Linshaw - arxiv preprint arxiv:2005.10234, 2020 -
We prove the conjecture of Gaiotto and Rap\v {c}\'ak that the $ Y $-algebras $ Y_ {L, M,
N}[\psi] $ with one of the parameters $ L, M, N $ zero, are simple one-parameter quotients of …

Vertex algebras for S-duality

T Creutzig, D Gaiotto - Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2020 - Springer
We define new deformable families of vertex operator algebras A g, Ψ, σ A g, Ψ, σ
associated to a large set of S-duality operations in four-dimensional supersymmetric gauge …

W-algebras for Argyres–Douglas theories

T Creutzig - European Journal of Mathematics, 2017 - Springer
The Schur index of the (A_1, X_n)(A 1, X n)-Argyres–Douglas theory is conjecturally a
character of a vertex operator algebra. Here such vertex algebras are found for the A_ odd A …

Higher rank partial and false theta functions and representation theory

T Creutzig, A Milas - Advances in Mathematics, 2017 - Elsevier
We study higher rank Jacobi partial and false theta functions (generalizations of the classical
partial and false theta functions) associated to positive definite rational lattices. In particular …

Rectangular W-algebras, extended higher spin gravity and dual coset CFTs

T Creutzig, Y Hikida - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019 - Springer
A bstract We analyze the asymptotic symmetry of higher spin gravity with M× M matrix valued
fields, which is given by rectangular W-algebras with su (M) symmetry. The matrix valued …

𝒲-algebras, false theta functions and quantum modular forms, I

K Bringmann, A Milas - International Mathematics Research …, 2015 -
In this paper, we study certain partial and false theta functions in connection to vertex
operator algebras and conformal field theory. We prove a variety of results concerning the …

Torus knots and quantum modular forms

K Hikami, J Lovejoy - Research in the Mathematical Sciences, 2015 - Springer
In this paper we compute aq-hypergeometric expression for the cyclotomic expansion of the
colored Jones polynomial for the left-handed torus knot (2, 2 t+ 1). We use this to define a …

Quantum modular forms and plumbing graphs of 3-manifolds

K Bringmann, K Mahlburg, A Milas - Journal of Combinatorial Theory …, 2020 - Elsevier
In this paper, we study quantum modular forms in connection to quantum invariants of
plumbed 3-manifolds introduced recently by Gukov, Pei, Putrov, and Vafa. We explicitly …

On regularised quantum dimensions of the singlet vertex operator algebra and false theta functions

T Creutzig, A Milas, S Wood - … Mathematics Research Notices, 2017 -
We study a family of non-C 2-cofinite vertex operator algebras, called the singlet vertex
operator algebras, and connect several important concepts in the theory of vertex operator …

Elliptic genera of ALE and ALF manifolds from gauged linear sigma models

JA Harvey, S Lee, S Murthy - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015 - Springer
A bstract We compute the equivariant elliptic genera of several classes of ALE and ALF
manifolds using localization in gauged linear sigma models. In the sigma model …