A comparative analysis of crime coverage in newspapers in the United States and other countries from 1960–1989: A review of the literature

HL Marsh - Journal of Criminal Justice, 1991 - Elsevier
Abstract Analysis of the literature revealed that constitutional and legal differences between
countries had no significant impact on conventional newspaper crime coverage. Research …

[CARTE][B] Crime and the American dream

SF Messner, R Rosenfeld - 2001 - ojp.gov
American culture is characterized by a strong emphasis on the goal of monetary success
and by a weak emphasis on the importance of legitimate means of pursuing success. This …

Social support as an organizing concept for criminology: Presidential address to the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

FT Cullen - Justice Quarterly, 1994 - Taylor & Francis
Although “social support” is present as a theme in many criminological writings, it has not
been identified explicitly as a concept capable of organizing theory and research in …

Geographic profiling

DK Rossmo, S Rombouts - Environmental criminology and crime …, 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
Attempting to locate an unknown offender is an important function of the criminal
investigative process. Routine activity theory suggests that an interaction between victim and …

Critical victimology: International perspectives

RI Mawby, S Walklate - 1994 - torrossa.com
Books are very much a product of the time in which they are written. This particular text was
conceived at a time in which the relatively young (sub) discipline of victimology, and the …

[CARTE][B] Deviant behavior

E Goode - 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
The new 2022 edition of the most widely taught deviance text brings us into a changing
political era. A new chapter on political deviance includes a section that defines political …

Political restraint of the market and levels of criminal homicide: A cross-national application of institutional-anomie theory

SF Messner, R Rosenfeld - Social Forces, 1997 - academic.oup.com
This article examines the effects on national homicide rates of political efforts to insulate
personal well-being from market forces. Drawing upon recent work by Es**-Andersen and …

Should the behavioral sciences become more pragmatic? The case for functional contextualism in research on human behavior

A Biglan, SC Hayes - Applied and Preventive Psychology, 1996 - Elsevier
Although societal need for behavioral science research is enormous, current research
practices seem to be inefficient vehicles for producing knowledge that guides practical …

[CARTE][B] Comparative criminal justice systems: A topical approach

PL Reichel, PL Reichel - 1999 - ojp.gov
In this edition of Comparative Criminal Justice Systems, a descriptive approach is
undertaken in the understanding of comparative and international criminal justice issues …

[CARTE][B] Comparative criminal justice systems

E Fairchild, HR Dammer - 1993 - ojp.gov
Part One presents descriptions of the families of law and the historical development of the
legal systems of the model nations. Part One is essential as background for the remaining …