Twenty-two-year papaya breeding program: from breeding strategy establishment to cultivar development

MG Pereira, TP de Sousa Poltronieri… - Functional Plant …, 2019 -
The papaya crop occupies 32 thousand hectares of planted area in Brazil, with a total
annual production of 1.6 million tons (12.5% of the world supply). The country stands out in …

[PDF][PDF] Efficiency of circulant diallels via mixed models in the selection of papaya genotypes resistant to foliar fungal diseases

M Vivas, SF Silveira, AP Viana… - Genetics and …, 2014 -
Diallel crossing methods provide information regarding the performance of genitors between
themselves and their hybrid combinations. However, with a large number of parents, the …

Resistance to multiple foliar diseases in papaya genotypes in Brazil

M Vivas, SF Silveira, A Pio-Viana, AT Amaral-Júnior… - Crop Protection, 2015 - Elsevier
The absence of cultivars with satisfactory levels of genetic resistance justifies the search for
genotypes incorporating disease-resistance genes in the papaya-breeding program. In this …

[HTML][HTML] Phenotypic characterization of papaya genotypes to determine powdery mildew resistance

M Vivas, SF Silveira, JMS Vivas, PHD Santos… - Crop Breeding and …, 2017 - SciELO Brasil
In support of breeding of papaya (Carica papaya), the disease incidence and severity of
powdery mildew (Ovulariopsis caricicola) were evaluated in papaya genotypes. Two …

Seleção de progênies femininas de mamoeiro para resistência a mancha-de-phoma via modelos mistos

M Vivas, SF Silveira, JMS Vivas, AP Viana… - Bragantia, 2014 - SciELO Brasil
Genótipos crioulos são importantes fontes de genes de adaptação, rusticidade e resistência
de plantas a doenças bióticas e a estresse ambiental. Avaliou-se neste trabalho o potencial …

Predição de ganhos genéticos e seleção de progênies de mamoeiro para resistência à pinta-preta

M Vivas, SF Silveira, JMS Vivas… - Tropical Plant Pathology, 2013 - SciELO Brasil
Variedades crioulas constituem alternativas para a ampliação da base genética e
incorporação de genes de resistência a doenças em programas de melhoramento genético …

Análise dialélica em mamoeiro para resistência a mancha-de-phoma

M Vivas, SF Silveira, MG Pereira, DL Cardoso… - Ciência Rural, 2013 - SciELO Brasil
A resistência genética constitui alternativa sustentável para o controle da mancha-de-
phoma na cultura do mamoeiro. No entanto, estudos básicos são necessários para a …

Molecular characterization of elite lines of papaya (Carica papaya L.) via SSR markers

AAV Pirovani, HCC Ramos, RP Duarte… - Functional Plant …, 2021 -
This study aimed to analyze the genetic variability and to estimate diversity parameters of 23
elite papaya lines based on microsatellite molecular markers. The plant material was …

Prediction of genetic gain from selection indices for disease resistance in papaya hybrids

M Vivas, SF Silveira, MG Pereira - Revista Ceres, 2012 - SciELO Brasil
In order to select superior hybrids for the concentration of favorable alleles for resistance to
papaya black spot, powdery mildew and phoma spot, 67 hybrids were evaluated in two …

Heterosis and genetic diversity for selection of papaya hybrids for resistance to black spot and phoma spot

M Vivas, HCC Ramos, PHD Santos, SF Silveira… - Tropical Plant …, 2016 - Springer
In this work, two experiments were set up in order to select papaya hybrids and verify
heterosis expression for black spot (Asperisporium caricae) and phoma spot …