Optical frequency combs: Coherently uniting the electromagnetic spectrum

SA Diddams, K Vahala, T Udem - Science, 2020‏ - science.org
BACKGROUND The generation and control of coherent electromagnetic waves, such as
those provided by electronic oscillators in the radio frequency domain or lasers in the optical …

Optical frequency metrology

T Udem, R Holzwarth, TW Hänsch - Nature, 2002‏ - nature.com
Extremely narrow optical resonances in cold atoms or single trapped ions can be measured
with high resolution. A laser locked to such a narrow optical resonance could serve as a …

CODATA recommended values of the fundamental physical constants: 1998

PJ Mohr, BN Taylor - Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference …, 1999‏ - pubs.aip.org
This paper gives the 1998 self-consistent set of values of the basic constants and conversion
factors of physics and chemistry recommended by the Committee on Data for Science and …

New determination of the fine structure constant and test of the quantum electrodynamics

R Bouchendira, P Cladé, S Guellati-Khélifa, F Nez… - Physical Review Letters, 2011‏ - APS
We report a new measurement of the ratio h/m Rb between the Planck constant and the
mass of Rb 87 atom. A new value of the fine structure constant is deduced, α-1= 137.035 …

Cold target recoil ion momentum spectroscopy: a 'momentum microscope'to view atomic collision dynamics

R Dörner, V Mergel, O Jagutzki, L Spielberger, J Ullrich… - Physics Reports, 2000‏ - Elsevier
Cold Target Recoil Ion Momentum Spectroscopy (COLTRIMS) is a novel momentum space
imaging technique for the investigation of the dynamics of ionizing ion, electron or photon …

Colloquium: Femtosecond optical frequency combs

ST Cundiff, J Ye - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2003‏ - APS
Recently there has been a remarkable synergy between the technologies of precision laser
stabilization and mode-locked ultrafast lasers. This has resulted in control of the frequency …

Nobel lecture: passion for precision

TW Hänsch - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2006‏ - APS
Nobel Lecture: Passion for precision* Page 1 Nobel Lecture: Passion for precision*
Theodor W. Hänsch† Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany and …

Optical frequency synthesizer for precision spectroscopy

R Holzwarth, T Udem, TW Hänsch, JC Knight… - Physical review …, 2000‏ - APS
We have used the frequency comb generated by a femtosecond mode-locked laser and
broadened to more than an optical octave in a photonic crystal fiber to realize a frequency …

High-precision determination of the electric and magnetic form factors of the proton

JC Bernauer, P Achenbach, C Ayerbe Gayoso… - Physical Review Letters, 2010‏ - APS
New precise results of a measurement of the elastic electron-proton scattering cross section
performed at the Mainz Microtron MAMI are presented. About 1400 cross sections were …

Absolute Optical Frequency Measurement of the Cesium Line with a Mode-Locked Laser

T Udem, J Reichert, R Holzwarth, TW Hänsch - Physical review letters, 1999‏ - APS
We have measured the absolute optical frequency of the cesium D 1 line at 335 THz (895
nm). This frequency provides an important link for a new determination of the fine structure …