[HTML][HTML] Attributes impacting cybersecurity policy development: An evidence from seven nations
Cyber threats have risen as a result of the growing usage of the Internet. Organizations must
have effective cybersecurity policies in place to respond to escalating cyber threats …
have effective cybersecurity policies in place to respond to escalating cyber threats …
Cybersecurity education, awareness raising, and training initiatives: National level evidence-based results, challenges, and promise
This paper assesses the impact of cybersecurity education, awareness raising, and training
(CEAT) on the vitality of internet use and services at the national level. CEAT encompasses …
(CEAT) on the vitality of internet use and services at the national level. CEAT encompasses …
[HTML][HTML] Cybersecurity behavior among government employees: the role of protection motivation theory and responsibility in mitigating cyberattacks
This study examines the factors influencing government employees' cybersecurity behavior
in Malaysia. The country is considered the most vulnerable in Southeast Asia. Applying the …
in Malaysia. The country is considered the most vulnerable in Southeast Asia. Applying the …
Transnational governance of cybersecurity: policy challenges and global inequalities in cyber capacity building
Connectivity infrastructure is constantly expanding, increasing internet access across
countries, regions and socio-political contexts. Given the fast-changing geography of the …
countries, regions and socio-political contexts. Given the fast-changing geography of the …
The social and cultural sha** of cybersecurity capacity building: a comparative study of nations and regions
This paper presents an empirical study of the social and cultural aspects of cybersecurity
capacity building in 78 nations. While nations within geographically defined regions might …
capacity building in 78 nations. While nations within geographically defined regions might …
Cybersecurity aids financial institutions performance
Cybersecurity has emerged as a phenomenon of our current era. It has healthy practices,
making it now vital for firms and more significant than ever before. The related regulations …
making it now vital for firms and more significant than ever before. The related regulations …
Cybersecurity capacity-building: cross-national benefits and international divides
The growing centrality of cybersecurity has led many governments and international
organisations to focus on building the capacity of nations to withstand threats to the public …
organisations to focus on building the capacity of nations to withstand threats to the public …
Understanding cybersecurity capacity building and its relationship to norms and confidence building measures
International cybersecurity capacity building emerged in the mid-2000s as a mechanism for
countries and organisations to assist each other, across borders, in protecting the safe …
countries and organisations to assist each other, across borders, in protecting the safe …
Building cybersecurity capacity: a framework of analysis for national cybersecurity strategies
States propose a range of policies to combat cyber threats. This article explores the
approaches they take to build cybersecurity preparedness through a content analysis of the …
approaches they take to build cybersecurity preparedness through a content analysis of the …
Advancing cyber diplomacy in the Asia Pacific: Japan and Australia
The stability in the cyber domain is rapidly deteriorating on several fronts marked by
increasing sophistication of cyberattacks, declining consensus on global internet …
increasing sophistication of cyberattacks, declining consensus on global internet …