Navigating cross-cultural research: methodological and ethical considerations
The intensifying pace of research based on cross-cultural studies in the social sciences
necessitates a discussion of the unique challenges of multi-sited research. Given an …
necessitates a discussion of the unique challenges of multi-sited research. Given an …
[HTML][HTML] A mixed-methods systematic review: Infidelity, romantic jealousy and intimate partner violence against women
Infidelity and romantic jealousy (RJ) are commonly cited relational level drivers of intimate
partner violence (IPV) but remain undertheorized and underutilized in IPV research and …
partner violence (IPV) but remain undertheorized and underutilized in IPV research and …
Beyond WEIRD: A review of the last decade and a look ahead to the global laboratory of the future
Marking a decade since the publication of “The weirdest people in the world,” this special
issue is dedicated to exploring how to improve the quality of the science produced by the …
issue is dedicated to exploring how to improve the quality of the science produced by the …
Universality, domain-specificity and development of psychological responses to music
Humans can find music happy, sad, fearful or spiritual. They can be soothed by it or urged to
dance. Whether these psychological responses reflect cognitive adaptations that evolved …
dance. Whether these psychological responses reflect cognitive adaptations that evolved …
Proximate and ultimate perspectives on romantic love
Romantic love is a phenomenon of immense interest to the general public as well as to
scholars in several disciplines. It is known to be present in almost all human societies and …
scholars in several disciplines. It is known to be present in almost all human societies and …
An adaptationist framework for personality science
The field of personality psychology aspires to construct an overarching theory of human
nature and individual differences: one that specifies the psychological mechanisms that …
nature and individual differences: one that specifies the psychological mechanisms that …
Friendship jealousy: One tool for maintaining friendships in the face of third-party threats?
Friendships can foster happiness, health, and reproductive fitness. However, friendships
end—even when we might not want them to. A primary reason for this is interference from …
end—even when we might not want them to. A primary reason for this is interference from …
On the economic origins of concerns over women's chastity
A Becker - Review of Economic Studies, 2024 - academic.oup.com
This article studies the origins and function of customs and norms that intend to keep women
from being promiscuous. Using large-scale survey data from more than 100 countries, I test …
from being promiscuous. Using large-scale survey data from more than 100 countries, I test …
[BOOK][B] Artificial intimacy: Virtual friends, digital lovers, and algorithmic matchmakers
R Brooks - 2021 - degruyter.com
In the 1980s, conservative forces struck back against the sexual revolution, particularly in the
USA. By forming new alliances and winning several electoral skirmishes, an army of …
USA. By forming new alliances and winning several electoral skirmishes, an army of …
Gender, sexual orientation and type of relationship influence individual differences in jealousy: A large Brazilian sample
Jealousy is supposed to secure the relationship against a third party. Both partners face
significant potential costs in case of the partner desertion caused by an extra-pair liaison …
significant potential costs in case of the partner desertion caused by an extra-pair liaison …