[CARTE][B] Product experience

HNJ Schifferstein, P Hekkert - 2011 - books.google.com
Product Experience brings together research that investigates how people experience
products: durable, non-durable, or virtual. In contrast to other books, the present book takes …

The effect of package shape on apparent volume: an exploratory study with implications for package design

LL Garber, EM Hyatt, ÜÖ Boya - Journal of marketing theory and …, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
We examine a range of standard package shape types and test their effects on volume
perception. Results show that consumers group most existing standard packages into four …

The equivalence of contingency structure for intuitive covariation judgments about height, weight, and body fat

JR McGahan, B McDougal, JD Williamson… - The Journal of …, 2000 - Taylor & Francis
In a complete between-subjects design, 576 respondents judged covariations of problems
framed around height, weight, and body fat. A verbal measure was used, consisting of …

Perceived freedom-responsibility covariation among Cypriot adolescents

G Frangou, K Wilkerson… - The Journal of general …, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
Participants were 67 Cypriot adolescents who responded to propositions regarding positive,
negative, and noncontingent relations between freedom and responsibility. The authors …

A preliminary study of the effect of imaginary sexual stimulation on the perceived covariation between freedom and responsibility

PL Pryor, JR McGahan, CW Hutto… - The Journal of …, 2000 - Taylor & Francis
The authors evaluated subjective estimates of the relationship between freedom and
responsibility under predictions made in accordance with cognitive-experiential self-theory …

Association of need for cognition with judgments of height, weight, and body fat covariation

PL Pryor, JR McGahan, B McDougal… - Psychological …, 2000 - journals.sagepub.com
559 college students, assessed for Need for Cognition, judged whether height, weight, and
body fat were correlated using judgment probes that controlled for framing and conditional …

Length, weight, and width: Covariation assessments based on haptic exploration

JR McGahan, JD Williamson… - Perceptual and motor …, 1998 - journals.sagepub.com
Intuitive judgments about covariations of length, weight, and width were assessed in two
experiments using a series of prepositional statements. In Exp. 1, only a priori judgments …

Height, weight, and body fat: Assessments of covariation based on visual information or reported correlations

JR McGahan, JD Williamson… - … and motor skills, 1998 - journals.sagepub.com
College students' intuitive judgments about covariations between height, weight, and body
fat were assessed in three experiments using responses to a series of prepositional …


NC Elon - 2009