[HTML][HTML] From galactic bars to the Hubble tension: weighing up the astrophysical evidence for Milgromian gravity
Astronomical observations reveal a major deficiency in our understanding of physics—the
detectable mass is insufficient to explain the observed motions in a huge variety of systems …
detectable mass is insufficient to explain the observed motions in a huge variety of systems …
Star formation in the Milky Way and nearby galaxies
RC Kennicutt Jr, NJ Evans - Annual Review of Astronomy and …, 2012 - annualreviews.org
We review progress over the past decade in observations of large-scale star formation, with
a focus on the interface between extragalactic and Galactic studies. Methods of measuring …
a focus on the interface between extragalactic and Galactic studies. Methods of measuring …
Has JWST already falsified dark-matter-driven galaxy formation?
M Haslbauer, P Kroupa, AH Zonoozi… - The Astrophysical …, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
Abstract The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) discovered several luminous high-
redshift galaxy candidates with stellar masses of M*≳ 10 9 M⊙ at photometric redshifts z …
redshift galaxy candidates with stellar masses of M*≳ 10 9 M⊙ at photometric redshifts z …
Simulations predict intermediate-mass black hole formation in globular clusters
The formation process of intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs), defined as those between
100 and 105 solar masses (M⊙), is debated. One potential origin is the growth of less …
100 and 105 solar masses (M⊙), is debated. One potential origin is the growth of less …
A z= 0 Multiwavelength galaxy synthesis. I. A WISE and GALEX atlas of local galaxies
AK Leroy, KM Sandstrom, D Lang… - The Astrophysical …, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
We present an atlas of ultraviolet and infrared images of∼ 15,750 local (d≲ 50 Mpc)
galaxies, as observed by NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) and Galaxy …
galaxies, as observed by NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) and Galaxy …
ASTRAEUS-IX. Impact of an evolving stellar initial mass function on early galaxies and reionisation
Context. Observations with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have revealed an
abundance of bright z> 10 galaxy candidates, challenging the predictions of most theoretical …
abundance of bright z> 10 galaxy candidates, challenging the predictions of most theoretical …
Merging binary black holes formed through chemically homogeneous evolution in short-period stellar binaries
We explore a newly proposed channel to create binary black holes of stellar origin. This
scenario applies to massive, tight binaries where mixing induced by rotation and tides …
scenario applies to massive, tight binaries where mixing induced by rotation and tides …
Dual constraints with ALMA: new [O iii] 88-μm and dust-continuum observations reveal the ISM conditions of luminous LBGs at z ∼ 7
ABSTRACT We present new [] 88-observations of five bright z∼ 7 Lyman-break galaxies
spectroscopically confirmed by ALMA through [] 158, unlike recent [] detections where …
spectroscopically confirmed by ALMA through [] 158, unlike recent [] detections where …
Black holes: The next generation—repeated mergers in dense star clusters and their gravitational-wave properties
When two black holes merge in a dense star cluster, they form a new black hole with a well-
defined mass and spin. If that “second-generation” black hole remains in the cluster, it will …
defined mass and spin. If that “second-generation” black hole remains in the cluster, it will …
Binary interaction dominates the evolution of massive stars
The presence of a nearby companion alters the evolution of massive stars in binary systems,
leading to phenomena such as stellar mergers, x-ray binaries, and gamma-ray bursts …
leading to phenomena such as stellar mergers, x-ray binaries, and gamma-ray bursts …