Research trend of Arabic language teaching in the world: Systematic literature review based on Scopus database
Arabic is a very important communication language in the world, especially among Muslims.
There has been a lot of research related to Arabic language teaching, so it is necessary to …
There has been a lot of research related to Arabic language teaching, so it is necessary to …
Systematic Literature Review: Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Ilmu Sharaf Berdasarkan Teori Pembelajaran Terpadu
Siswa muslim dituntut agar mampu menguasai Bahasa Arab, khususnya Ilmu Sharaf.
Namun demikian, strategi pembelajaran yang ada umumnya belum ideal. Pembelajaran …
Namun demikian, strategi pembelajaran yang ada umumnya belum ideal. Pembelajaran …
Learning Environment Management in the Arabic Language Camp Program for New Students of PBA IAIN Bone
Management of a conducive and supportive Arabic learning environment is a challenge for
Arabic learning program managers. Therefore, the Student Association of the Arabic …
Arabic learning program managers. Therefore, the Student Association of the Arabic …
Tākwīnu āl-Bī'āh āl-Lughāwiyyāh ās-Sām'iyyāh āl-Bāshoriyyāh lī āt-Tholibāt āl-Jādidāt fīī āl-Fāshl āl-Awwāl bīī Mā'hādi Dārissālām Gontor Ngawi
M Puspitaningrum, M Ismail… - Mantiqu Tayr …, 2024 -
This research is motivated by the results of a researcher survey at Pondok Modern
Darussalam Gontor which applies language environment in its daily activities aims to create …
Darussalam Gontor which applies language environment in its daily activities aims to create …
Analysis of Long and Short Vowel Mispronunciations by Arabic Education Students at Makassar State University
Purpose-This study aims to analyze the errors in pronouncing long and short vowels made
by second-semester students of the Arabic Language Education Study Program at Makassar …
by second-semester students of the Arabic Language Education Study Program at Makassar …
Implementasi Metode Dengar Ucap Pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Di Pondok Pesantren Ar-Raudhatul Hasanah
This article will discuss how the audiolingual method is used to teach maharah kalam. In
maharah kalam learning, only a few students can express their thoughts orally, to overcome …
maharah kalam learning, only a few students can express their thoughts orally, to overcome …
Analysis of the Effect of Learning Interest, Learning Motivation and Self-Awareness on Arabic Learning at Madrasah Aliyah Bilingual Batu
This study aims to test the independent variables consisting of learning interest, learning
motivation, and self-awareness of the dependent variable, namely Arabic language …
motivation, and self-awareness of the dependent variable, namely Arabic language …
Problems of Learning Arabic for Non-Islamic School Graduate Students at the Arabic Language Education Program at Sultan Thaha Saifuddin State Islamic University …
This research discusses the problems of learning Arabic for non-Islamic boarding school
graduate students in the Arabic Language Education Study Program at the Sultan Thaha …
graduate students in the Arabic Language Education Study Program at the Sultan Thaha …
The focus of this study is to describe the process of translation activities in Arabic language
subjects and explore the problematics of students with pesantren background in translating …
subjects and explore the problematics of students with pesantren background in translating …
Learning Arabic Language with Audio Lingual Media to Improve Speaking Ability at SMP IT al Hijrah 2 Medan
Purpose-This study aims to analyze the application of audiolingual method in Arabic
language learning to improve students' speaking skills at IT Junior High School Al Hijrah 2 …
language learning to improve students' speaking skills at IT Junior High School Al Hijrah 2 …