Research trend of Arabic language teaching in the world: Systematic literature review based on Scopus database

Z Zikriah, L Mauludiyah - Research and Development in …, 2024‏ -
Arabic is a very important communication language in the world, especially among Muslims.
There has been a lot of research related to Arabic language teaching, so it is necessary to …

Systematic Literature Review: Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Ilmu Sharaf Berdasarkan Teori Pembelajaran Terpadu

R Nuryadin, N Irfan, L Layinah - Jurnal Pendidikan dan …, 2024‏ -
Siswa muslim dituntut agar mampu menguasai Bahasa Arab, khususnya Ilmu Sharaf.
Namun demikian, strategi pembelajaran yang ada umumnya belum ideal. Pembelajaran …

Learning Environment Management in the Arabic Language Camp Program for New Students of PBA IAIN Bone

MN Fitra, MI Tamam, Z Arifa… - Mantiqu Tayr …, 2024‏ -
Management of a conducive and supportive Arabic learning environment is a challenge for
Arabic learning program managers. Therefore, the Student Association of the Arabic …

Tākwīnu āl-Bī'āh āl-Lughāwiyyāh ās-Sām'iyyāh āl-Bāshoriyyāh lī āt-Tholibāt āl-Jādidāt fīī āl-Fāshl āl-Awwāl bīī Mā'hādi Dārissālām Gontor Ngawi

M Puspitaningrum, M Ismail… - Mantiqu Tayr …, 2024‏ -
This research is motivated by the results of a researcher survey at Pondok Modern
Darussalam Gontor which applies language environment in its daily activities aims to create …

Analysis of Long and Short Vowel Mispronunciations by Arabic Education Students at Makassar State University

R Kudus, F Ulum - Alsuna: Journal of Arabic and English …, 2024‏ -
Purpose-This study aims to analyze the errors in pronouncing long and short vowels made
by second-semester students of the Arabic Language Education Study Program at Makassar …

Implementasi Metode Dengar Ucap Pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Di Pondok Pesantren Ar-Raudhatul Hasanah

FA Saragih, M Mavianti - EDUKASIA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan …, 2024‏ -
This article will discuss how the audiolingual method is used to teach maharah kalam. In
maharah kalam learning, only a few students can express their thoughts orally, to overcome …

Analysis of the Effect of Learning Interest, Learning Motivation and Self-Awareness on Arabic Learning at Madrasah Aliyah Bilingual Batu

D Kumalasari, SH Rukmana, A Majid… - Didaktika: Jurnal …, 2024‏ -
This study aims to test the independent variables consisting of learning interest, learning
motivation, and self-awareness of the dependent variable, namely Arabic language …

Problems of Learning Arabic for Non-Islamic School Graduate Students at the Arabic Language Education Program at Sultan Thaha Saifuddin State Islamic University …

DAP Mandaka, W Muhlis, I Hajar… - … : Journal of Arabic …, 2023‏ -
This research discusses the problems of learning Arabic for non-Islamic boarding school
graduate students in the Arabic Language Education Study Program at the Sultan Thaha …


MSI Al Haqiqy, RF Agustina… - … dan Bahasa Arab, 2025‏ -
The focus of this study is to describe the process of translation activities in Arabic language
subjects and explore the problematics of students with pesantren background in translating …

Learning Arabic Language with Audio Lingual Media to Improve Speaking Ability at SMP IT al Hijrah 2 Medan

TYD Hasibuan, D Zainuddin - Alsuna: Journal of Arabic and …, 2024‏ -
Purpose-This study aims to analyze the application of audiolingual method in Arabic
language learning to improve students' speaking skills at IT Junior High School Al Hijrah 2 …