[CARTE][B] Fenugreek: Traditional and modern medicinal uses

D Ghosh, P Thakurdesai - 2022 - books.google.com
For many centuries, fenugreek has been one of the most popular spices and vegetables
serving as an integral part of culinary practices across many cultures. Fenugreek contains …

Fenugreek in Management of Immunological, Infectious, and Malignant Disorders

R Pujari, P Thakurdesai - Fenugreek, 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
Good nutrition plays a vital role in the overall growth, health, and immunity of human beings.
Optimum immune function protects the body from pathogenic infections and malignancy …

[CITARE][C] Antibacterial activities of fenugreek oil and seed extracts on selected pathogenic bacteria and proximate composition of fenugreek seed

FOO Raji-Idowu - Nigerian Journal of Microbiology, 2023