Facial attractiveness: evolutionary based research

AC Little, BC Jones… - … Transactions of the …, 2011 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Face preferences affect a diverse range of critical social outcomes, from mate choices and
decisions about platonic relationships to hiring decisions and decisions about social …

Women's preferences for men's facial masculinity: trade-off accounts revisited

IJ Holzleitner, DI Perrett - Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 2017 - Springer
Studies on mate preferences have demonstrated that women's perception of male
attractiveness is sensitive to men's facial masculinity, and that women's preferences for facial …

The effect of childhood experiences on mate choice in personality traits: Homogamy and sexual imprinting

P Gyuris, R Járai, T Bereczkei - Personality and Individual Differences, 2010 - Elsevier
We have made an attempt at demonstrating the effect of parental influence, particularly
sexual imprinting, on human mate choice. Extending our earlier studies that focused on …

Opposite-sex siblings decrease attraction, but not prosocial attributions, to self-resembling opposite-sex faces

LM DeBruine, BC Jones, CD Watkins… - Proceedings of the …, 2011 - pnas.org
Contextual cues of genetic relatedness to familiar individuals, such as cosocialization and
maternal–perinatal association, modulate prosocial and inbreeding-avoidance behaviors …

Heterosexual romantic couples mate assortatively for facial symmetry, but not masculinity

RP Burriss, SC Roberts, LLM Welling… - Personality and …, 2011 - journals.sagepub.com
Preferences for partners with symmetric and sex-typical faces are well documented and
considered evidence for the good-genes theory of mate choice. However, it is unclear …

Preference for facial self-resemblance and attractiveness in human mate choice

F Kocsor, R Rezneki, S Juhász, T Bereczkei - Archives of sexual behavior, 2011 - Springer
Empirical studies present considerably consistent data about human mate choice, from
which we may infer that it tends to be homogamous for various traits. However, different …

Preference for faces resembling opposite-sex parents is moderated by emotional closeness in childhood

F Kocsor, TK Saxton, A Láng, T Bereczkei - Personality and Individual …, 2016 - Elsevier
Several studies have found that individuals select partners who resemble their parents. The
evidence for this effect seems stronger in relation to opposite-sex than same-sex parents …

The influence of body composition effects on male facial masculinity and attractiveness

X Lei, IJ Holzleitner, DI Perrett - Frontiers in Psychology, 2019 - frontiersin.org
Body mass index (BMI) and its facial correlates influence a range of perceptions including
masculinity and attractiveness. BMI conflates body fat and muscle which are sexually …

Like father, like self: emotional closeness to father predicts women's preferences for self-resemblance in opposite-sex faces

CD Watkins, LM DeBruine, FG Smith, BC Jones… - Evolution and Human …, 2011 - Elsevier
Kin recognition is an essential component of kin-directed adaptive behavior. Consequently,
potential mechanisms of kin recognition, such as learning a kin phenotype from family …

The Pattern of Physique Preferences on Gay Dating App “Blued” in China: A Multiple Group Latent Class Analysis

L Zheng, J Xu - The Journal of Sex Research, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Previous studies have indicated homogamy in partner preferences among gay and bisexual
men. Individuals on Blued (the most popular gay dating app in China) could identify their …