[HTML][HTML] Nanopore sequencing technology, bioinformatics and applications
Rapid advances in nanopore technologies for sequencing single long DNA and RNA
molecules have led to substantial improvements in accuracy, read length and throughput …
molecules have led to substantial improvements in accuracy, read length and throughput …
Solid-state nanopore sensors
Nanopore-based sensors have established themselves as a prominent tool for solution-
based, single-molecule analysis of the key building blocks of life, including nucleic acids …
based, single-molecule analysis of the key building blocks of life, including nucleic acids …
Long-term memory and synapse-like dynamics in two-dimensional nanofluidic channels
Fine-tuned ion transport across nanoscale pores is key to many biological processes,
including neurotransmission. Recent advances have enabled the confinement of water and …
including neurotransmission. Recent advances have enabled the confinement of water and …
Recent advances in chemical vapour deposition techniques for graphene-based nanoarchitectures: From synthesis to contemporary applications
Owing to its high carrier mobility, exceptional thermal conductivity, optical transparency, and
mechanical flexibility, graphene holds great promise for numerous applications, including …
mechanical flexibility, graphene holds great promise for numerous applications, including …
Ion selective and water resistant cellulose nanofiber/MXene membrane enabled cycling Zn anode at high currents
Aqueous rechargeable zinc ion batteries (ZIBs) are regarded as a promising candidates for
next‐generation energy storage devices but strongly hindered by the limited utilization of the …
next‐generation energy storage devices but strongly hindered by the limited utilization of the …
The chemistry and promising applications of graphene and porous graphene materials
Graphene and graphene oxide (GO), as wonder materials, have penetrated nearly every
field of research. One of their most attractive features is the functionality and assembly of …
field of research. One of their most attractive features is the functionality and assembly of …
2D materials as an emerging platform for nanopore-based power generation
Osmotic power generation, the extraction of power from mixing salt solutions of different
concentrations, can provide an efficient power source for both nanoscale and industrial-level …
concentrations, can provide an efficient power source for both nanoscale and industrial-level …
A review on mechanics and mechanical properties of 2D materials—Graphene and beyond
Since the first successful synthesis of graphene just over a decade ago, a variety of two-
dimensional (2D) materials (eg, transition metal-dichalcogenides, hexagonal boron-nitride …
dimensional (2D) materials (eg, transition metal-dichalcogenides, hexagonal boron-nitride …
Fundamental transport mechanisms, fabrication and potential applications of nanoporous atomically thin membranes
Graphene and other two-dimensional materials offer a new approach to controlling mass
transport at the nanoscale. These materials can sustain nanoscale pores in their rigid …
transport at the nanoscale. These materials can sustain nanoscale pores in their rigid …
Recent development in 2D materials beyond graphene
Discovery of graphene and its astonishing properties have given birth to a new class of
materials known as “2D materials”. Motivated by the success of graphene, alternative …
materials known as “2D materials”. Motivated by the success of graphene, alternative …