Nonlinear magic: multiphoton microscopy in the biosciences
Multiphoton microscopy (MPM) has found a niche in the world of biological imaging as the
best noninvasive means of fluorescence microscopy in tissue explants and living animals …
best noninvasive means of fluorescence microscopy in tissue explants and living animals …
Second-harmonic imaging microscopy for visualizing biomolecular arrays in cells, tissues and organisms
Although the nonlinear optical effect known as second-harmonic generation (SHG) has
been recognized since the earliest days of laser physics and was demonstrated through a …
been recognized since the earliest days of laser physics and was demonstrated through a …
Second harmonic generation microscopy for quantitative analysis of collagen fibrillar structure
Second-harmonic generation (SHG) microscopy has emerged as a powerful modality for
imaging fibrillar collagen in a diverse range of tissues. Because of its underlying physical …
imaging fibrillar collagen in a diverse range of tissues. Because of its underlying physical …
Probing liquid/solid interfaces at the molecular level
The ability to obtain a molecular-level understanding of the chemistry that takes place at
liquid/solid interfaces is key to the development and improvement of many chemical and …
liquid/solid interfaces is key to the development and improvement of many chemical and …
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy: instrumentation, theory, and applications
Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy permits vibrational imaging with
high-sensitivity, high speed, and three-dimensional spatial resolution. We review recent …
high-sensitivity, high speed, and three-dimensional spatial resolution. We review recent …
Three-dimensional high-resolution second-harmonic generation imaging of endogenous structural proteins in biological tissues
We find that several key endogenous protein structures give rise to intense second-
harmonic generation (SHG)—nonabsorptive frequency doubling of an excitation laser line …
harmonic generation (SHG)—nonabsorptive frequency doubling of an excitation laser line …
Imaging voltage in neurons
In the last decades, imaging membrane potential has become a fruitful approach to study
neural circuits, especially in invertebrate preparations with large, resilient neurons. At the …
neural circuits, especially in invertebrate preparations with large, resilient neurons. At the …
Imaging cells and extracellular matrix in vivo by using second-harmonic generation and two-photon excited fluorescence
Multiphoton microscopy relies on nonlinear light–matter interactions to provide contrast and
optical sectioning capability for high-resolution imaging. Most multiphoton microscopy …
optical sectioning capability for high-resolution imaging. Most multiphoton microscopy …
Enhanced light–matter interactions in dielectric nanostructures via machine-learning approach
A key concept underlying the specific functionalities of metasurfaces is the use of constituent
components to shape the wavefront of the light on demand. Metasurfaces are versatile …
components to shape the wavefront of the light on demand. Metasurfaces are versatile …
3-dimensional imaging of collagen using second harmonic generation
G Cox, E Kable, A Jones, I Fraser, F Manconi… - Journal of structural …, 2003 - Elsevier
Collagen is the most important structural protein of the animal body. Its unique triple-helix
structure and extremely high level of crystallinity make it exceptionally efficient in generating …
structure and extremely high level of crystallinity make it exceptionally efficient in generating …