[HTML][HTML] The relativistic electron-proton telescope (REPT) investigation: Design, operational properties, and science highlights
Abstract The Relativistic Electron-Proton Telescope (REPT) instruments were designed to
measure∼ 2 to> 18 MeV electrons and∼ 18 to> 115 MeV protons as part of the science …
measure∼ 2 to> 18 MeV electrons and∼ 18 to> 115 MeV protons as part of the science …
Shock induced strong substorms and super substorms: Preconditions and associated oxygen ion dynamics
It is well known that the interaction between interplanetary (IP) shocks and the Earth's
magnetosphere would generate/excite various types of geomagnetic phenomena …
magnetosphere would generate/excite various types of geomagnetic phenomena …
Medium-energy electron spectrometers on Macao Science Satellite-1
Abstract The Macao Science Satellite-1 is a two-satellite constellation specifically designed
to study the geomagnetic field and particle radiation environment in low Earth orbit …
to study the geomagnetic field and particle radiation environment in low Earth orbit …
Charged particle behavior in localized ultralow frequency waves: Theory and observations
The formation and variability of the Van Allen radiation belts are highly influenced by
charged particles accelerated via drift‐resonant interactions with ultralow frequency (ULF) …
charged particles accelerated via drift‐resonant interactions with ultralow frequency (ULF) …
Inner magnetospheric magnetic dips and energetic protons trapped therein: Multi‐spacecraft observations and simulations
Localized magnetic field depressions in the inner magnetosphere, known as magnetic dips,
are produced by the diamagnetic motion of energetic ions injected via substorm activities …
are produced by the diamagnetic motion of energetic ions injected via substorm activities …
Medium‐energy electron detector onboard the FY‐3E satellite
Abstract The Medium‐Energy Electron Detector (MEED), a space weather monitoring
instrument on the Fengyun‐3E (FY‐3E) satellite, is introduced in this paper. The MEED …
instrument on the Fengyun‐3E (FY‐3E) satellite, is introduced in this paper. The MEED …
A short‐lived three‐belt structure for sub‐MeV electrons in the Van Allen Belts: Time scale and energy dependence
In this study we focus on the radiation belt dynamics driven by the geomagnetic storms
during September 2017. Besides the long‐lasting three‐belt structures of ultrarelativistic …
during September 2017. Besides the long‐lasting three‐belt structures of ultrarelativistic …
Ultralow frequency wave characteristics extracted from particle data: Application of IGSO observations
Interaction between ultralow frequency (ULF) waves and charged particles plays an
important role in the acceleration of particles in the Van Allen radiation belts. The strong …
important role in the acceleration of particles in the Van Allen radiation belts. The strong …
Quantifying the spatiotemporal evolution of radiation belt electrons scattered by lower band chorus waves: An integrated model
Wave particle interactions are very important to understand the intricate evolution of the
Earth's radiation belt electrons. Kinetic simulations, in terms of solving the Fokker‐Planck …
Earth's radiation belt electrons. Kinetic simulations, in terms of solving the Fokker‐Planck …
Imaging energetic electron spectrometer onboard a Chinese navigation satellite in the inclined GEO orbit
The energetic electron measurement is one of the most important issues to understand
dynamics in space physics and the applications for space weather. In this study, the …
dynamics in space physics and the applications for space weather. In this study, the …