[CARTE][B] Energopolitics
D Boyer - 2019 - library.oapen.org
Between 2009 and 2013 Cymene Howe and Dominic Boyer conducted fieldwork in Mexico's
Isthmus of Tehuantepec to examine the political, social, and ecological dimensions of …
Isthmus of Tehuantepec to examine the political, social, and ecological dimensions of …
Energopower: an introduction
D Boyer - Anthropological Quarterly, 2014 - muse.jhu.edu
This special collection of Anthropological Quarterly aims to spark new ways of thinking about
formations and operations of modern power. Specifically, the articles explore how energic …
formations and operations of modern power. Specifically, the articles explore how energic …
[CARTE][B] Constitutionalism in the global realm: a sociological approach
PF Kjaer - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
This book develops a sociologically informed theory of constitutionalism in the global realm,
addressing both national and transnational forms of constitutional ordering. The book begins …
addressing both national and transnational forms of constitutional ordering. The book begins …
Aeolian extractivism and community wind in Southern Mexico
The conditions of the Anthropocene, and the relative novelty of renewable energy forms,
demonstrate the experimental plasticity of our era. Existing infrastructures of energy, political …
demonstrate the experimental plasticity of our era. Existing infrastructures of energy, political …
[CARTE][B] Bolivia in the Age of Gas
B Gustafson - 2020 - books.google.com
Evo Morales, Bolivia's first Indigenous president, won reelection three times on a leftist
platform championing Indigenous rights, anti-imperialism, and Bolivian control over the …
platform championing Indigenous rights, anti-imperialism, and Bolivian control over the …
[PDF][PDF] Editorial introduction: El Sistema in critical perspective
G Baker - Action, criticism, and theory for music education, 2016 - academia.edu
The Venezuelan youth orchestra network El Sistema is one of the largest and most famous
music education programs in the world, and it has spread to dozens of countries, yet it has …
music education programs in the world, and it has spread to dozens of countries, yet it has …
Los márgenes del Estado al viento: autonomía y desarrollo de energías renovables en el sur de México
En el istmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, intereses públicos y privados han creado uno de los
proyectos de desarrollo de energía eólica más ambiciosos del planeta. Este artículo se …
proyectos de desarrollo de energía eólica más ambiciosos del planeta. Este artículo se …
Introduction: Indigenous peoples, extractivism, and turbulences in South America
JJ Rivera Andía, C Vindal Ødegaard - Indigenous life projects and …, 2019 - Springer
The introduction lays the groundwork for the volume's explorations of indigenous life-making
projects in encounters with extractivism in South America. It discusses how people's …
projects in encounters with extractivism in South America. It discusses how people's …
Revolution and Revellion Toward a Solarity Worth Living
D Boyer - South Atlantic Quarterly, 2021 - read.dukeupress.edu
It has been increasingly common to hear talk of the need for “revolutionary action” to break
the Anthropocene/Capitalocene trajectory of northern petroculture. Sometimes this talk is …
the Anthropocene/Capitalocene trajectory of northern petroculture. Sometimes this talk is …