Neuronal cell-type classification: challenges, opportunities and the path forward
Neurons have diverse molecular, morphological, connectional and functional properties. We
believe that the only realistic way to manage this complexity—and thereby pave the way for …
believe that the only realistic way to manage this complexity—and thereby pave the way for …
Evolution of central neural circuits: state of the art and perspectives
RJV Roberts, S Pop, LL Prieto-Godino - Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2022 -
The wide variety of animal behaviours that can be observed today arose through the
evolution of their underlying neural circuits. Advances in understanding the mechanisms …
evolution of their underlying neural circuits. Advances in understanding the mechanisms …
The connectome of an insect brain
Brains contain networks of interconnected neurons and so knowing the network architecture
is essential for understanding brain function. We therefore mapped the synaptic-resolution …
is essential for understanding brain function. We therefore mapped the synaptic-resolution …
Portable food‐freshness prediction platform based on colorimetric barcode combinatorics and deep convolutional neural networks
Artificial scent screening systems (known as electronic noses, E‐noses) have been
researched extensively. A portable, automatic, and accurate, real‐time E‐nose requires both …
researched extensively. A portable, automatic, and accurate, real‐time E‐nose requires both …
The complete connectome of a learning and memory centre in an insect brain
Associating stimuli with positive or negative reinforcement is essential for survival, but a
complete wiring diagram of a higher-order circuit supporting associative memory has not …
complete wiring diagram of a higher-order circuit supporting associative memory has not …
Cellular diversity in the Drosophila midbrain revealed by single-cell transcriptomics
To understand the brain, molecular details need to be overlaid onto neural wiring diagrams
so that synaptic mode, neuromodulation and critical signaling operations can be considered …
so that synaptic mode, neuromodulation and critical signaling operations can be considered …
Can insects feel pain? A review of the neural and behavioural evidence
The entomology literature has historically suggested insects cannot feel pain, leading to
their exclusion from ethical debates and animal welfare legislation. However, there may be …
their exclusion from ethical debates and animal welfare legislation. However, there may be …
Common principles for odour coding across vertebrates and invertebrates
The olfactory system is an ideal and tractable system for exploring how the brain transforms
sensory inputs into behaviour. The basic tasks of any olfactory system include odour …
sensory inputs into behaviour. The basic tasks of any olfactory system include odour …
Complete connectomic reconstruction of olfactory projection neurons in the fly brain
Nervous systems contain sensory neurons, local neurons, projection neurons, and motor
neurons. To understand how these building blocks form whole circuits, we must distil these …
neurons. To understand how these building blocks form whole circuits, we must distil these …
Neurotransmitter classification from electron microscopy images at synaptic sites in Drosophila melanogaster
High-resolution electron microscopy of nervous systems has enabled the reconstruction of
synaptic connectomes. However, we do not know the synaptic sign for each connection (ie …
synaptic connectomes. However, we do not know the synaptic sign for each connection (ie …