A review of the advantages and limitations of geophysical investigations in landslide studies
Landslide deformations involve approximately all geological materials (natural rocks, soil,
artificial fill, or combinations of these materials) and can occur and develop in a large variety …
artificial fill, or combinations of these materials) and can occur and develop in a large variety …
Application of the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) for landslide susceptibility map**: A case study from the Tinau watershed, west Nepal
P Kayastha, MR Dhital, F De Smedt - Computers & Geosciences, 2013 - Elsevier
Landslide problems are abundant in the mountainous areas of Nepal due to a unique
combination of adverse geological conditions, abundant rainfall and anthropogenic factors …
combination of adverse geological conditions, abundant rainfall and anthropogenic factors …
The development and implementation of design flowchart for probabilistic rock slope stability assessments: a review
I Rusydy, I Canbulat, C Zhang, C Wei… - Geoenvironmental …, 2024 - Springer
Background Rock slope instability is a complex geotechnical issue that is affected by site-
specific rock properties, geological structures, groundwater, and earthquake load conditions …
specific rock properties, geological structures, groundwater, and earthquake load conditions …
[HTML][HTML] Identification of suitable sites and structures for artificial groundwater recharge for sustainable water resources management in Vamanapuram River Basin …
Sustainable groundwater management by artificial recharge of aquifers has become a
possible resolution for increasing depletion and deterioration of groundwater in several river …
possible resolution for increasing depletion and deterioration of groundwater in several river …
An ensemble random forest tree with SVM, ANN, NBT, and LMT for landslide susceptibility map** in the Rangit River watershed, India
SA Ali, F Parvin, QB Pham, KM Khedher, M Dehbozorgi… - Natural Hazards, 2022 - Springer
This study examined landslide susceptibility, an increasingly common problem in
mountainous regions across the world as a result of urbanization, deforestation, and various …
mountainous regions across the world as a result of urbanization, deforestation, and various …
Stability assessment of Himalayan road cut slopes along National Highway 58, India
T Siddique, SP Pradhan, V Vishal, MEA Mondal… - Environmental Earth …, 2017 - Springer
Himalaya is one of the most tectonically and seismically active mountain chains in the world
having complex geological and geotechnical conditions. The Himalayan region experiences …
having complex geological and geotechnical conditions. The Himalayan region experiences …
Active waveguide deformation dynamics using acoustic emission technology for landslide early warning system
D Kumar, AK Mahapatro, SK Singh - Bulletin of Engineering Geology and …, 2024 - Springer
Multiple active waveguide systems are examined on a universal testing machine (UTM) for
their acoustic emission (AE) behavior and correlated with its deformation dynamics. We …
their acoustic emission (AE) behavior and correlated with its deformation dynamics. We …
Analytical and numerical stability analysis of road cut slopes in Garhwal Himalaya, India
The rocks of the Himalayan terrain are highly deformed and distorted due to complex
geological and tectonics setup. Failures of slopes are always reported along National …
geological and tectonics setup. Failures of slopes are always reported along National …
Precision modeling of slope stability for optimal landslide risk mitigation in Ramban road cut slopes, Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) India
The socioeconomic growth and development are extensively aided by the development of
road networks in the Union Territory (UT): Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), a Himalayan state …
road networks in the Union Territory (UT): Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), a Himalayan state …
Comparative analysis of limit equilibrium and numerical methods for prediction of a landslide
Landslides that occur due to the rapid motion of a rock-mass are a primary risk in
mountainous terrains and are a danger to human life and civil infrastructure. The application …
mountainous terrains and are a danger to human life and civil infrastructure. The application …