Business process management: a comprehensive survey
Business Process Management (BPM) research resulted in a plethora of methods,
techniques, and tools to support the design, enactment, management, and analysis of …
techniques, and tools to support the design, enactment, management, and analysis of …
[HTML][HTML] WILDetect: An intelligent platform to perform airborne wildlife census automatically in the marine ecosystem using an ensemble of learning techniques and …
The habitats of marine life, characteristics of species, and the diverse mix of maritime
industries around these habitats are of interest to many researchers, authorities, and …
industries around these habitats are of interest to many researchers, authorities, and …
Workflow systems for science: Concepts and tools
The wide availability of high‐performance computing systems, Grids and Clouds, allowed
scientists and engineers to implement more and more complex applications to access and …
scientists and engineers to implement more and more complex applications to access and …
QoS-aware web service recommendation by collaborative filtering
With increasing presence and adoption of Web services on the World Wide Web, Quality-of-
Service (QoS) is becoming important for describing nonfunctional characteristics of Web …
Service (QoS) is becoming important for describing nonfunctional characteristics of Web …
Investigating QoS of real-world web services
Quality of service (QoS) is widely employed for describing nonfunctional characteristics of
web services. Although QoS of web services has been investigated intensively in the field of …
web services. Although QoS of web services has been investigated intensively in the field of …
Collaborative web service QoS prediction via neighborhood integrated matrix factorization
With the increasing presence and adoption of web services on the World Wide Web, the
demand of efficient web service quality evaluation approaches is becoming …
demand of efficient web service quality evaluation approaches is becoming …
Wsrec: A collaborative filtering based web service recommender system
As the abundance of Web services on the World Wide Web increase, designing effective
approaches for Web service selection and recommendation has become more and more …
approaches for Web service selection and recommendation has become more and more …
Distributed QoS evaluation for real-world web services
Quality-of-Service (QoS) is widely employed for describing non-functional characteristics of
Web services. Although QoS of Web services has been investigated in a lot of previous …
Web services. Although QoS of Web services has been investigated in a lot of previous …
Service-oriented feature-based data exchange for cloud-based design and manufacturing
With the rapid development of service-oriented computing (SOC)/service-oriented
architecture (SOA), cloud computing and web services, cloud-based design and …
architecture (SOA), cloud computing and web services, cloud-based design and …
CCOA: Cloud computing open architecture
Cloud computing is evolving as a key computing platform for sharing resources that include
infrastructures, software, applications, and business processes. Virtualization is a core …
infrastructures, software, applications, and business processes. Virtualization is a core …