Linking public urban green spaces and human well-being: A systematic review

R Reyes-Riveros, A Altamirano, F De La Barrera… - Urban forestry & urban …, 2021 - Elsevier
Public urban green spaces provide people with many benefits. Understanding the
relationship between public urban green spaces' characteristics and human well-being …

Nature and mental health: An ecosystem service perspective

GN Bratman, CB Anderson, MG Berman, B Cochran… - Science …, 2019 -
A growing body of empirical evidence is revealing the value of nature experience for mental
health. With rapid urbanization and declines in human contact with nature globally, crucial …

The relationship between adult attachment and mental health: A meta-analysis.

X Zhang, J Li, F **e, X Chen, W Xu… - Journal of Personality …, 2022 -
Attachment theory provides a framework for understanding the correlations among
interpersonal relationships, stress, and health. Moreover, adult attachment is an important …

Measuring objective and subjective well-being: dimensions and data sources

V Voukelatou, L Gabrielli, I Miliou, S Cresci… - International Journal of …, 2021 - Springer
Well-being is an important value for people's lives, and it could be considered as an index of
societal progress. Researchers have suggested two main approaches for the overall …

A good life for all within planetary boundaries

DW O'Neill, AL Fanning, WF Lamb… - Nature …, 2018 -
Humanity faces the challenge of how to achieve a high quality of life for over 7 billion people
without destabilizing critical planetary processes. Using indicators designed to measure a …

Commuting and wellbeing: a critical overview of the literature with implications for policy and future research

K Chatterjee, S Chng, B Clark, A Davis, J De Vos… - Transport …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This review provides a critical overview of what has been learnt about commuting's impact
on subjective wellbeing (SWB). It is structured around a conceptual model which assumes …

Coral reef ecosystem services in the Anthropocene

AJ Woodhead, CC Hicks, AV Norström… - Functional …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Coral reefs underpin a range of ecosystem goods and services that contribute to the well‐
being of millions of people. However, tropical coral reefs in the Anthropocene are likely to be …

Workplace happiness, well-being and their relationship with psychological capital: A study of Hungarian Teachers

A Kun, P Gadanecz - Current Psychology, 2022 - Springer
Happiness and well-being at work has been an increasingly popular topic in the past two
decades in academic and business contexts alike, along with positive psychology, through …

How am I doing? Perceived financial well-being, its potential antecedents, and its relation to overall well-being

RG Netemeyer, D Warmath… - Journal of Consumer …, 2018 -
Though perceived financial well-being is viewed as an important topic of consumer
research, the literature contains no accepted definition of this construct. Further, there has …

Factors affecting women entrepreneurs' success: a study of small-and medium-sized enterprises in emerging market of Pakistan

RU Khan, Y Salamzadeh, SZA Shah… - Journal of innovation and …, 2021 - Springer
In the present era, women are recognized as successful entrepreneurs through their strong
desire, qualities, and capabilities for robust economic development. Due to such an …