Assessing ontogenetic maturity in extinct saurian reptiles
Morphology forms the most fundamental level of data in vertebrate palaeontology because it
is through interpretations of morphology that taxa are identified, creating the basis for broad …
is through interpretations of morphology that taxa are identified, creating the basis for broad …
[HTML][HTML] The molecular evolutionary tree of lizards, snakes, and amphisbaenians
Squamate reptiles (lizards, snakes, amphisbaenians) number approximately 8200 living
species and are a major component of the world's terrestrial vertebrate diversity. Recent …
species and are a major component of the world's terrestrial vertebrate diversity. Recent …
Interrogating genomic-scale data for Squamata (lizards, snakes, and amphisbaenians) shows no support for key traditional morphological relationships
Genomics is narrowing uncertainty in the phylogenetic structure for many amniote groups.
For one of the most diverse and species-rich groups, the squamate reptiles (lizards, snakes …
For one of the most diverse and species-rich groups, the squamate reptiles (lizards, snakes …
Assembling the squamate tree of life: perspectives from the phenotype and the fossil record
We assembled a dataset of 192 carefully selected species—51 extinct and 141 extant—and
976 apomorphies distributed among 610 phenotypic characters to investigate the phylogeny …
976 apomorphies distributed among 610 phenotypic characters to investigate the phylogeny …
Phylogeny and systematics of Squamata (Reptilia) based on morphology
JL Conrad - Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 2008 - BioOne
Abstract Squamata (amphisbaenians,“lizards”, mosasaurs, and snakes) is an extremely
diverse clade with a rich fossil record. There is little consensus about the interrelationships …
diverse clade with a rich fossil record. There is little consensus about the interrelationships …
[HTML][HTML] The phylogeny of squamate reptiles (lizards, snakes, and amphisbaenians) inferred from nine nuclear protein-coding genes
Squamate reptiles number approximately 8000 living species and are a major component of
the world's terrestrial vertebrate diversity. However, the established relationships of the …
the world's terrestrial vertebrate diversity. However, the established relationships of the …
[PDF][PDF] The skull of lizards and tuatara
SE Evans - Biology of the Reptilia, 2008 -
The Skull of Lizards and Tuatara Page 1 1 The Skull of Lizards and Tuatara SuSan E. EvanS
ConTenTS I. Introduction 1 A. Definitions and Scope 1 B. Previous Literature on the …
ConTenTS I. Introduction 1 A. Definitions and Scope 1 B. Previous Literature on the …
At the feet of the dinosaurs: the early history and radiation of lizards
SE Evans - Biological Reviews, 2003 -
Lizards, snakes and amphisbaenians together constitute the Squamata, the largest and
most diverse group of living reptiles. Despite their current success, the early squamate fossil …
most diverse group of living reptiles. Despite their current success, the early squamate fossil …
The squamate tree of life
Squamates (lizards, snakes, and their kin such as amphisbaenians, or “worm lizards”)
represent the world's most diverse clade of terrestrial vertebrates with∼ 11,000 described …
represent the world's most diverse clade of terrestrial vertebrates with∼ 11,000 described …
Snake phylogeny based on osteology, soft anatomy and ecology
Relationships between the major lineages of snakes are assessed based on a phylogenetic
analysis of the most extensive phenotypic data set to date (212 osteological, 48 soft …
analysis of the most extensive phenotypic data set to date (212 osteological, 48 soft …